As the camera continued to roll, she dived into water again and this time came up without her flimsy bikini top. (Video below) |
January 9, 2016, NewsCrunch
Chilean reporter Bernardita Middleton has gone viral after she suffered a serious wardrobe malfunction on live TV.
She was shooting for a surfing show at the coastal town of Reñaca when her colleagues in the studio dared her to get in the water.
Middleton had been planning to to take a dip after work anyway and was wearing a bikini under her clothes.
As the camera continued to roll, she dived into water again and this time came up without her flimsy bikini top.
She said the bikini was a recent present and she had not attached the straps to keep it in place, while explaining the "malfunction".
Middleton had hit headlines in 2014 when she "proposed" to Prince Harry during a royal visit to Santiago.