Modi besides Hanumanthappa’s ICU bed listening to the brief by the Army chief Gen Dalbir Singh (video and tweets below) |
February 10, 2016, NewsCrunch
Soon after Lance Naik Hanumanthappa was admitted to the Army RR Hospital’s ICU ward in New Delhi on Tuesday, Modi visited him, accompanied by senior Army officers and a camera man.
A video tweeted by ANI shows him standing beside Hanumanthappa’s ICU bed listening to the brief by the Army chief Gen Dalbir Singh.
The response to Modi’s quick visit to Hanumanthappa’s ICU bed was mixed.
Some felt it would boost the morale of the soldier fighting for his life.
But there were also tweets, which said Modi by taking a camera man along with him, was treating the tragedy as a photo opportunity.
They pointed out that the video footage was carefully orchestrated with the camera taking care not to show Hanumanthappa and focus only on Modi.
Some also felt that by barging into the ICU without protective gear Modi and team had made Hanumanthappa vulnerable to infections.
Video: Modi’s visit to Lance Naik Hanumanthappa in ICU
WATCH: PM Modi & Army chief Gen Dalbir Singh visit Army RR Hospital to meet Lance Naik Hanumanthappa #SiachenMiracle— ANI (@ANI_news) February 9, 2016
Modi’s visit to Lance Naik Hanumanthappa in ICU draws mixed response on Twitter
PM Modi is the first one to rush to meet Hanumanthappa and nobody bats an eyelid. He enters ICU to boost the morale and THIS IS SPARTA!— ChopdaSaab (@Keisar_) February 9, 2016
@prabin1206 Why do you want all people to violate ICU rules a la Modi?
— manav (@manavjivan) February 10, 2016
This is first time any PM visits to meet our brave soldier in ICU..Modi ji is the Great...— Vishwas Mahajan (@VishwasMahajan3) February 9, 2016
To be fair to Modi, he may not have known. If ppl at d hospital briefed him and gave him d ICU clothing he would've worn & complied.For sure— Nibras Bawa (@NibrasBawa) February 9, 2016
Modi Ji, this is insane. PR in ICU while a soldier is struggling to survive? Certainly you prefer PhotoOp over— Brutally Honest ✒ (@iQuillWarrior) February 10, 2016
@waglenikhil Modi didn't even follow basic protocol of visiting ICU— Shreekant Sahu (@SahuSKNT) February 10, 2016
@fighter_nair :yes & I said its good gesture.Doesnt mean Modi as brave as soldier & didnt need to take photo in the ICU— Shishir Singh (@Shishir_Singh76) February 10, 2016
@Joydas@MobIle32352342:Modi's PR team is working hard to regain his dwindling image.For them it doesn't matter whether it is icu or morgue— Joy Trichur (@joytrichur) February 10, 2016
To be fair, credit to Narendra Modi for meeting Lance Naik Hanumanthappa in ICU, just getting clicked and not insisting on a Selfie with him— Joy (@Joydas) February 9, 2016
Btw, it's not just Modi. I didn't see anyone (including the army chief) in ICU gown or wear gloves.. They all broke all protocols. EVERYONE.— Nibras Bawa (@NibrasBawa) February 9, 2016
Man survived Minus 60 for 6 Days above 20000 Feet. And some double distilled idiots asking how can PM Modi enter ICU just to boost morale.— ChopdaSaab (@Keisar_) February 9, 2016
Saw clips, Modi just entered an ICU.— Nibras Bawa (@NibrasBawa) February 9, 2016
No - Antibacterial foam, glove, gown, protective footwear.
Yes - A lot of cameras, PR men, germs.