Anant Kumar Hegde went on to challenge journalists to telecast the words | in the very way as he had spoken. (video below) |
March 2, 2016, NewsCrunch
Anant Kumar Hegde, Senior BJP MP from Karnataka, linked Islam and terrorism on camera during a press conference.
“As long as Islam exists in the world, terrorism will continue,” he said.
Though the speech is not clear at a point in the video, he seems to have also said, “Terrorism cannot be wiped out as long as Islam continues to remain in the world."
Anant Kumar Hegde, is a five-time MP from Uttara Kannada district.
He went on to challenge journalists to telecast the words in the very way as he had spoken. He told the print journalists to use the very words while filing their report.
Bangalore Mirror said Anant Kumar Hegde made the controversial speech when he was addressing a press conference in Sirsi on Sunday.