DU lecturer Kamlesh Parmeshwari made a few posts on her Facebook on the June incident after Kanhaiya shot into fame. |
March 10, 2016, NewsCrunch
JNU Chief Proctor’s office has reportedly confirmed that president Kanhaiya Kumar was fined Rs 3,000 for misbehaving with an ex woman-student last year, who had objected to him pissing in public.
Showing an alacrity to come clean, JNU also issued a press release on Thursday saying Kanhaiya had indeed been disciplined by the Proctor last year.
A copy of the Chief Proctor’s order and the press release has been shared by a former JNU student Kamlesh Parmeshwari on her Facebook account. NewsCrunch has not verified the authenticity of the documents independently.
Kamlesh had complained to Chief Proctor in June last year Kanhaiya had misbehaved and threatened her after she objected to him pissing in public near his hostel.
In an order issued on Kamlesh, the Chief Proctor stated that Kanhaiya had been found guilty of the charge and of an act unbecoming a JNU student. He was fined Rs 3,000 and asked to pay up within 10 days.
Kamlesh made a few posts on her Facebook on the incident after Kanhaiya shot into fame.
She posted on February 16 recalling the incident and uploaded a photo of her handwritten complaint.
On March 3, she posted an ‘Open Letter’ charging that the JNU community had ganged up to create a false revolutionary.
“I am writing this letter to JNUSU president Mr Kanhaiya and other JNUites who are hell bend to portray him as the ‘Bhagat Singh’ of this century (sic) ,” she noted.
On March 9, Kamlesh posted a copy of the Chief Proctor’s order fining Kanhaiya. After many pointed out that it had not been signed, she posted two more documents on March 10.
The first document is signed copy of the Chief Proctor’s order and the second a press release from the JNU’s Public Relation’s office confirming that Kanhaiya was indeed fined by the proctor’s offfice.
Kamlesh is now with
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