Dindim spends eight months of the year with Joao and spends the rest of the time away (video below) |
March 11, 2016, NwesCrunch
A South American Magellanic penguin makes an annual 5,000-mile journey to meet a man who saved its life.
Dindim, as the penguin has come to be known, swims from
João, who lives in a ramshackle home on a beach, found Dindim in 2011 covered in oil and struggling to survive. He cleaned the penguin and nursed it back to health.
Dindim stayed with him for 11 months and disappeared after getting a new coat.
A few months later, Dindim returned. He spotted João on the beach and followed him home and stayed for months. The pattern has repeated since then.
Dindim spends eight months of the year with Joao and spends the rest of the time breeding off the coast of
Dindim does not allow anyone else near him, even pecking those who try to touch him. He only allows João to pick him up and feed him sardines.