A few media reports had also claimed that he had chanted Jai Hind, Pakistan Zindabad in the presence of Home Minister Rajnath Singh. (video below) |
Art of Living guru Sri Ravishankar has clarified that he never said Pakistan Zindabad at World Culture Festival.
Speaking to The Indian Express , he said it was Pakistani scholar Mufti Muhammad Saeed Khan who said Pakistan Zindabad.
Sri Ravishankar clarified after a few doctored videos emerged on social media claiming that he had chanted in favour of Pakistan during the event.
A few media reports had also claimed that he had chanted Jai Hind, Pakistan Zindabad in the presence of Home Minister Rajnath Singh.
The original footage shows Sri Ravishankar sending out a message of peace saying ‘Jai Hind and Pakistan Zindabad should go together’.
He spoke after a speech by Pakistani scholar Mufti Muhammad Saeed Khan. The video shows the imam saying Pakistan Zindabad, to which Sri Ravishankar responds by saying Jain Hind.