As the photo went viral, there was a hunt for Ranbir Kapoor's mystery woman until Filmfare editor Jatin Pillai identified her as Kinnari Rathod. |
The girl in a photo with Ranbir Kapoor that went viral recently is not his love interest, rather a professional contact - Kinnari Rathod of Filmfare.
Kinnari Rathod, who works as a junior multimedia executive at Filmfare, had posted a picture with Ranbir Kapoor on her Instagram account. The winking and pouting pic promptly went viral.
Media reports claimed Ranbir Kapoor had moved on after splitting with Karina kaif and been spotted with his new mystery girlfriend at a Karan Johar party.
As the photo went viral, there was a hunt for the mystery woman until Filmfare editor Jatin Pillai burst the bubble identifying Kinnari Rathod.
A commerce graduate of Poddar college, Kinnari Rathod joined Filmfare last year. Her LinkedIn profile states she has also spent a year in Italy working with an NGO on human rights.