Taare Zameen Par parody Meri Maa goes viral (videlobelow) |
Staff correspondent, August 9, 2015, NewsCrunch
A high point of Aamir Khan's Taare Zameen Par movie was the moving relationship between Darsheel Safary, a dyslexic kid and his mother, Tisca Cjopra. The melody Meri maa which is a tearjerker, anchors the movie, and became an all-time hit.
A parody cover of Meri maa by Shudh Desi Gaane spoofs over-protective mothers, who choose to ignore that their sons are as rotten as a spoilt egg.
Now, spoof Darsheel Safari has grown up, retaining his buck teeth. The new version of Meri Maa retains the tune and is sung professionally. It is the lyrics and its depiction, which makes you sick with laughter.
The parody Mari Maa also begins with a tearful farewell. Mom is going away, leaving her son behind. Emotions ooze and tears drop till you are told that she is going to buy sabzee.
Th son waves at her sniffing, but breaks into a smile and break dance after she departs. He rushes to his bed to take the story forward.
Scene 1: The grown up spoof Darsheel Safari is on his bed jerking off watching high-definition porn. As mom rushes in, he frantic motions come to an abrupt standstill. She is worried if her son, who is unusually on the bed covered with chadar, is feeling ok and looks clueless.
Scene two - Mom is cooking and spoof Darsheel Safari is smoking on the sly. Mom sniffs the smoke. suspects the gas is playing truant, shoves her son away to safety and turns off the LPG. She goes to him, embraces, thanking her stars that nothing happened to him.
There are a few more scenes of inconsistent quality, which brings out the mother's blissful ignorant state.
Full marks for the parody which gets everything right - cast, direction, script and production. It is so good, as someone pointed out, Aamir Kan will not like it for messing up his favourite Meri Maa song.