Kanhaiya Kumar says wiping off hunger from the mothers and children of India more important than chanting slogans such as Bharat Mata Ki Jai (video below) |
April 10, 2016, NewsCrunch
Kanhaiya Kumar came out strongly against the demand of the right-wing groups to make chanting of Bharat Mata Ki Jai a test of nationalism in the country.
Speaking at an event called Pratirodh in New Delhi organised by Muktdhara, he made fun of such demands.
He said he will change his name to "Bharat Mata Ki Jai" and also call his wife and children the same.
The entire family would be chanting "Bharat Mata Ki Jai" all the time, he pointed out. His children's schools would be so impressed they would waive off the school fee.
Later speaking to India Today he said wiping off hunger from the mothers and children of India was more important than chanting slogans such as Bharat Mata Ki Jai.