Speaking to Rajeev Shukla on Zee TV, Modi shares details of his educational qualification (video below) |
April 19, 2016, NewsCrunch
PM Narendra Modi’s educational qualifications have become a controversy.
RTI applications seeking details about his BA and MA degrees have allegedly hit a stonewall at PMO.
In an old interview with Zee TV, Modi dwells on his educational qualification. He says he had formal education till high school, which got interrupted as he left home.
But he went on to get BA and MA degrees through external exams and even topped the university, says Modi.
The interview was conducted before he became the
The journalist, who interviews him, is Rajeev Shukla, who in his journalism days used to host a chat show on Zee TV called Ru Ba Ru.
Modi went on to become the prime minister and Shukla, a Congress minister and a BCCI heavyweight.