Pranav Singh "Champion" sent The Telegraph a photo he had taken with Salman Khan in 2009, in which he is seen towering over the actor. |
Uttrakhand MLA Pranav Singh "Champion" called Salman Khan 'shorty' after he was not allowed to meet the Bollywood star on Friday.
"Champion" had gone to meet Salman, who is busy shooting for his next movie Sultan at Muzaffarnagar, under a security cover of 1,000 policemen.
The police turned "Champion" away saying Salman did not have any time to spare outside the shooting schedule.
When The Telegraph called up "Champion", he spoke disparagingly of Salman saying the actor was only only 5 feet 4 inches, while he was 6 feet 1 inch tall.
He also described Salman as "just an actor" while he was a real-life hero, who had won many Asian and national medals.
He also sent The Telegraph a photo he had taken with Salman Khan in 2009, in which he is seen towering over the actor.