While Rahul Kanwal of India Today stayed clear of all charges on Kangana Ranaut, Barkha Dutt of NDTV touched upon one of them tangentially. |
May 3, 2016, NewsCrunch
Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has denied the charge that she physically abused her ex-boy friend Adhyayan Suman.
NDTV and India Today simultaneously aired pre-recorded interviews of the actress, who is in the thick of a raging controversy.
The interviews looked like a concerted attempt to give her side of the story or undo the damage done to her image following leaks and revelations from HrithikRoshan and Adhyayan Suman.
But both the interviews were couched in generalities – gender equality in Bollywood, her choice of films, her journey from small town in Himachal Pradesh. They skipped all the accusations that have been hurled at Kangana Ranaut, ranging from inflicting physical abuse to using black magic.
While Rahul Kanwal of India Today stayed clear of all charges, Barkha Dutt of NDTV touched upon one of them tangentially.
Kangana Ranaut said she had hit only one ex-boy friend with her stiletto, to defend herself as he had been abusive and had not got into physical fights with anyone else.
NDTV and India Today simultaneously aired pre-recorded interviews of the actress, who is in the thick of a raging controversy.
The interviews looked like a concerted attempt to give her side of the story or undo the damage done to her image following leaks and revelations from HrithikRoshan and Adhyayan Suman.
But both the interviews were couched in generalities – gender equality in Bollywood, her choice of films, her journey from small town in Himachal Pradesh. They skipped all the accusations that have been hurled at Kangana Ranaut, ranging from inflicting physical abuse to using black magic.
While Rahul Kanwal of India Today stayed clear of all charges, Barkha Dutt of NDTV touched upon one of them tangentially.
Kangana Ranaut said she had hit only one ex-boy friend with her stiletto, to defend herself as he had been abusive and had not got into physical fights with anyone else.