The forest department ordered a probe on Thursday after the photos went viral and Gujarati media published reports on Ravindra Jadeja's adventures at the Gir forest. |
June 17, 2016, NewsCrunch
Cricketer Ravindra Jadeja and his wife, Riva Solanki, got into trouble after taking a sefie before a pride of lions at Gir Forest in Sasan on Wednesday.
The cricketer, who was rested from the Zimbabwe series, was visiting Gir National Park and Sanctuary along with his wife. They reportedly got down from a safari jeep and took a series of selfies before a pride of lions.
In one of them Ravindra Jadeja is seen pumping up his arms with a thumbs up gesture. In another, he and his wife are posing before the same lions.
The forest department ordered a probe on Thursday after the photos went viral and Gujarati media published reports on Ravindra Jadeja's adventures at the Gir forest. |
The forest department ordered a probe on Thursday after the photos went viral and Gujarati media published reports on Ravindra Jadeja's adventures at the Gir forest.
“GNPS is a protected forest and tourists are not allowed to get down from vehicles...We have ordered GNPS superintendent to conduct an inquiry into the incident and file a report,” Aniruddh Pratap Singh, chief conservator of forests (CCF) of Junagadh wildlife circle told The Indian Express.
It is Ravindra Jadeja's second brush with the law after getting married in April this year. During his wedding celebrations a relative had been caught on camera firing in the air prompting the police to order a probe.
The forest staff, who accompany the visitors, seems to have been indulgent towards the celebrity cricketer and allowed him to break the rules. |