The cop at Kotwali police station allegedly said he would take her complaint and act on it only if she gave him a massage. A photo taken by an onlooker went viral |
June 17, 2016, NewsCrunch
In the lawless Uttar Pradesh, a police official allegedly forced a woman to give him a massage in the police station.
The woman had reportedly gone to file a complaint at the Kotwali police station in Hardoi district, about 110 kms from
The official allegedly said he would take her complaint and act on it only if she gave him a massage.
He also seems to have had the brazenness to strip to his shorts and sit on the floor of the police station, while the hapless woman massaged him.
A photo taken by an onlooker shows the woman bent over the cop and giving him a massage.
After the photo went viral many local women organisations went on protest demanding immediate action against the erring police official.
A senior police officer of Hardoi spoke off the record and said the woman was a professional masseur, who sold home-made oil. She had just gone to the police station looking for some business, he claimed.
The controversy echoes another incident in which a man, who gone to lodge a complaint, had been made to polish shoes of policemen at Muzaffarnagar, also in UP.