The tiger designated as ST-3 seems to have spotted the leopard on a tree and went after it at Sariska Tiger Reserve. Pic courtesy Abhimanyu Singh Rajvi vis HT (video below) |
June 20, 2016, NewsCrunc
Visitors to Sariska Tiger Reserve witnessed a rare hunt recently – a tiger taking down a leopard and walking off with its booty.
The rare encounter was caught on camera and the footage has gone viral. The video shows a short fight between the two, partly hidden in the trees. The triumphant tiger crosses the road a few seconds later, carrying the victim in its mouth.
Though the video posted on YouTube has been titled, Clash of the titans, it should be noted that the leopard never stood a chance with the tiger.
A fully grown Indian male leopard can weigh up to 77 kgs, while an adult male tiger can add weight up to 227 kgs.
The territories of both the animals overlap in many parts of
The tiger hunt of leopard was witnessed by a wildlife enthusiast Abhimanyu Singh Rajvi, who is also the grandson of former vice-president Bhairon Singh Shekhawat.
He gave The Hindustan Times, an eyewitness account of the incident, and also shared a few images.
The tiger designated as ST-3 seems to have spotted the leopard on a tree and went after it. After the leopard fell from the tree, ST-3 pounced upon it and killed it within a few minutes.