On Sunday, Madhu Kishwar had shared the photo which shows a man folding the top layer of the poorly laid road. |
July 5, 2016, NewsCrunch
Academic and staunch BJP supporter Madhu Kishwar apologised to Bihar Deputy CM Tejasvi Yadav for sharing a photo that allegedly showed a poor quality 'foldable' road in Bihar.
Madhu Kishwar tweeted on Monday evening saying she was sincerely apologising for sharing the photo without verifying, which she had got form a trusted friend. She, however, made it clear that the apology held good only if the photo was found to be not genuine.
On Sunday, Madhu Kishwar had shared the photo which shows a man folding the top layer of the poorly laid road. She had captioned the photo - a scam in the name of road construction in Bihar.
The photo had earlier gone viral with many sharing it as proof of the poor quality of roads in Bihar, to discredit Nitish Kumar's claim that he had improved them significantly.
The photo suddenly became credible after Madhu Kishwar retweeted it.
That stung Tejaswi Yadav, who as Bihar's PWD minister, is responsible for the construction and maintenance of roads in Bihar.
He and his sister Misa Bharti, a Rajya Sabha member from RJD, pointed out the photo had been earlier shared by a Bangladesh Twitter user Milon Moin Chowdhury and was not from Bihar.
They slammed Madhu Kishwar and said despite claiming to be a journalist, she had shared it without verifying.
Their stance drew wide support by Twitter users from Bihar, who saw Madhu Kishwar's tweet as an attempt to give the state a bad name, prompting her to say sorry.
@yadavtejashwi ji, if photo not genuine,my sincere apologies 4 retweeting w'out checking tho got frm reliable friend https://t.co/cGkpJUffy5— Madhu Kishwar (@madhukishwar) July 4, 2016
Photograph shared by friend from Bihar showing the scam in the name of road construction in Bihar pic.twitter.com/NlQii5RThD— Madhu Kishwar (@madhukishwar) July 3, 2016
Thanks for ur kind gesture. Atleast civilized people should discourage negative agenda setters & rumour mongers. https://t.co/PTYF2lLTY3— Tejashwi Yadav (@yadavtejashwi) July 4, 2016
@madhukishwar Good to know that at least one BJP supporter has some grace. @yadavtejashwi— kumar (@kumar69781989) July 4, 2016