Gautam Sudarshan had thrown the dog from terrace in a video, which was recorded by Asish Paul. |
July 7, 2016, NewsCrunch
MBBS graduates Gautam Sudarshan and Asish Paul, who are accused of throwing a dog from terrace, received bail immediately after their arrest on Wednesday.
The Telegraph reports that they were also slapped with a fine, a princely sum of Rs 50.
The magistrate fined Gautam Sudarshan and Asish Paul under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and granted them bail.
Gautam Sudarshan had thrown the dog from terrace in a video, which was recorded by Asish Paul.
After it went viral triggering widespread outrage they were on run for a day or two. Their highly anticipated arrest turned out to be an anti-climax with the quick bail and Rs 50 fine.
Following the incident, animal rights activists have called for harsher laws to deter animal abuse.