The Chennai police reportedly got a tip-off that two websites were displaying obscene images and videos of children. |
July 27, 2016, NewsCrunch
The arrest of a Chennai couple may give an idea on the demand for child pornography in the country.
Cyber Crime cell of Tamil Nadu’s CB-CID have arrested Siddhattha Velu and his wife Priscilla Margaret Dhanaraj on the charge of running two child pornography websites.
The content on these websites was made available only to paid members.
Quoting a police press release, a PTI report states that one of these websites had collected about Rs 2.4 crore as membership fee, which was credited to a bank account in
It is not clear how many members were from
The Chennai police reportedly got a tip-off that two websites were displaying obscene images and videos of children.
Their investigation led them to Siddhattha and Priscilla, who lived at Sholinganallur in Chennai.