Feisty Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor took on trolls on Tuesday morning delivering a knockout punch for every swipe they aimed at her.
Celebrities usually follow the policy of ignoring the trolls, but Sonam Kapoor as she had done in the past stood out there, holding blazing guns, and calling her detractors “morons” and “assholes”.
It all started with a tweet Sonam Kapoor posted opposing the meat ban in Mumbai during a Jain festival. Retweeting a First Post article, she commented
Now, not many trolls could see the connection between meat ban and misogyny. They advised her to get a Thesarus, which someone helpfully defined as a dictionary, for which she called him a “moron”.
Sonam Kapoor also clarified saying her tweet was not just against the meat, ban but was to oppose the close-minded world view, which usually upholds misogyny.
When the trolls swarmed in calling her a bimbo, they found her ready for a good fight. Earlier, Sonam Kapoor had clashed with trolls when she had opposed the short-lived ban on porn.
Her are the top10 tweets Sonam Kapoor sent on the occasion.
Our country is going to remain a 3rd world nation because of the intolerant misogynistic close minded few. https://t.co/JcIDEC3gQE— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
@HoeZaay@BollywoodGandu well apparently my opinion and iq is also equivalent to my bra size..— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
Before being judgmental assholes. What I said was a critique of the general mentality .. Which is not exclusive to the banning of meat.— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
@Bunga_Bunga_69 this is the exact misogynistic mentality I was talking about.. Name calling doesn't make you smarter.— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
@PeppiWomaniYo was talking about the general mentality that is expressed in the article that I posted which is not exclusive to banningmeat— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
@mithunkoppal no it doesn't moron— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
And the saddest thing about this whole thing is.. That it's mostly women who are calling me out on being bimbo. Guess it's not only the men!— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
Well I guess it's back to talking about fashion and brands.. Lol— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) September 8, 2015
A snapshot of how Sonam Kapoor got trolled and how she gave back |