Nisha Kapashi took diksha at Jharkhand on January 18, 2015. (Video below) |
Staff correspondent, September 15, NewsCrunch
About a year ago, US-based fashion merchandiser Nisha Kapashi, just 27, decided to become a Jain nun.
Since taking diksha with her family support in January this year, she has been living Asansol, West Bengal, as a Jain monk.
She also studied in Florence, Italy, before starting work as a fashion merchandiser for J Crew.
During her college days, Nisha Kapashi had begun to attend lectures at the Jain Center of America, which increasingly sounded more relevant than what she was doing.
In the video below she explains why she decided to give up the material world and become a nun.
She realised that she was a timeless soul and not just a body that would live for a few years on earth.
But here she was spending every ounce of her energy on acquiring comforts for the body.
Nisha Kapashi then started contemplating on what would give her soul everlasting happiness and decided to take diksha.