A screenshot of Prime Minister-elect Justin Truudeau showing off his bhangra moves (video below) |
October 22, 2015, NewsCrunch
An old video of Canadian PM-elect Justin Trudeau doing Bhangra with a troop of Sikh dancers has gone viral.
It shows him in ethnic Indian dress, matching Punjabi girls step-for-step, with impressive grace and energy.
The video was shot in 2012 when he was the Liberal Party's points person for issues pertaining to youth, multiculturalism, citizenship and immigration. Trudeau has been a keen supporter of minority rights and says wearing veil for religious reasons is a fundamental right for Canadians.
In contrast, his conservative predecessor Harper had proposed a ban on public servants wearing a niqab.
Interestingly, 2012 was also the year Trudeau, who was then a young Canadian MP, announced his bid power and started a campaign that culminated in Liberals sweeping to power recently.