Large parts of the Tamil Nadu have been covered under a thick sheet of water. Twitter pic (Videos below) |
November 16, 2015, NewsCrunch
Seventy people have died in the rains that have been pounding Tamil Nadu over the past few days.
As the low pressure belt over Bay of Bengal grows into a depression, the met department predicts at least two more days of intense wet weather.
Large parts of the State have been covered under a thick sheet of water. Lakes have breached, low-lying areas have been flooded and roads have turned into rivers.
Here are 10 videos from Chennai, which show what nature's fury has done to Tamil Nadu
ஜி.எஸ்.டி சாலையில் படகு போக்குவரத்து— Tamil Flash News (@tamilflashnews) November 16, 2015
— Pinky Rajpurohit (@Madrassan) November 16, 2015
— Naveen (@naveenarendran) November 16, 2015
Water seeping into AC buses in OMR— Rolly Sitani (@rollysitani) November 16, 2015
Just checked out #chennairains hashtag and saw this pretty crazy vine— Pritesh Patel (@priteshpatel9) November 15, 2015
Reports of a building that collapsed in Sowcarpet edapalayam— Sailesh Davey (@sailudavey) November 15, 2015
"@ChennaiManiac: #chennairains Desperate situation of #Chennai at the moment..."😲😲— keerthi vasan (@keerthi_nitie) November 15, 2015
— Arun Janardhanan (@arunjei) November 15, 2015
— Rakesh Gowthaman (@VettriTheatres) November 15, 2015
— Prasanna Kumar (@constantinum) November 15, 2015
Drowned Bus being taken out of a Subway... Dramatic #ChennaiRains#ChennaiFloods— Imran Ahmedh KR (@theiakr) November 16, 2015