A screenshot of Ishita Katyal's TedX speech (Video below) |
November 20, 2015, NewsCrunch
Many are going gaga over a TedX speech by Ishita Katyal, 10, of Pune.
She has written a book Simran's Dreams, which is on Amazon and Patridge publishing, which sells print-to-buy books.
She is also the youngest license holder for a TEDxYouth event in the whole of South-East Asia.
She is articulate and confident like most convent-educated kids are. Her contention is don't ask kids the dumb question - what will you do when you grow up? Encourage them to become that right now.
Empower this generation and make it grow faster than any other, she says.
We disagree with this message. Let kids be kids and take their time to grow up. And ten years is not the age to worry about words like inherent, undermine, paradigm, identity...
Kid, finish your homework and go out to play.