The Bihar Health Minister emerged from his parents house wearing jeans and on top of a brown stallion. Pic courtesy - Twitter |
December 26, 2015, NewsCrunch
Lalu Prasad’s elder son and Bihar Health Minister Tej Pratap Yadav sent a spectacular anti-pollution message on Christmas day by personally riding a horse in Patna.
He reportedly emerged from his parents bungalow at 10 circular rode wearing jeans and on top of a brown stallion. As he gently trotted to his residence at 5, Deshratna Marg, his security personnel followed him on foot and on horseback, reports The Hindu.
Tej Pratap Yadav told reporters that it was a symbolic ride to send out a message on the need to reduce air pollution on Christmas day.
Let it be placed on record Tej Pratap Yadav returned to his parents house in a car.
This is the first time Tej Pratap Yadav has been in news after taking over as Bihar's health minister.
He had earlier hit the headlines during the oath taking ceremony. Bihar Governor Ram Nath Kovind had made him take oath twice after he fumbled on a few words.