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Video: Modi speech in US Congress - praise of Indian-Americans gets two record-breaking standing ovations in less than a minute

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a memorable speech in the US Congress celebrating the friendship between the two democracies and their common commitment to ensure rights, growth  and diversity in the world.   In the 40-plus minute speech, which was cheered through out, a highlight was his reference to Indian-Americans, who he said, were acting as a bridge between the two nations.   The very mention of the small but influential Indian-American community drew a standing ovation from all the US lawmakers. Let it be noted that the US Congressmen and Senators stood and applauded for more than half a minute.
The very mention of the small but influential Indian-American communityby Modi drew a standing ovation from all the US lawmakers  (video below)

June 8, 2016, NewsCrunch

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a memorable speech in the US Congress celebrating the friendship between the two democracies and their common commitment to ensure rights, growth  and diversity in the world.

In the 40-plus minute speech, which was cheered through out, a highlight was his reference to Indian-Americans, who he said, were acting as a bridge between the two nations.

The very mention of the small but influential Indian-American community drew a standing ovation from all the US lawmakers. Let it be noted that the US Congressmen and Senators stood and applauded for more than half a minute.

After the applause ended, underlining the contribution of the Indian-Americans, Modi said they had contributed CEOs, academics, economists, scientists, astronauts, doctors, even spelling bee champions...

This brought the house back to its feet again for an yet another standing ovation.

Modi went on to describe Indian-American as the strength of the USA and pride of India.  

 Video: Modi speech in US Congress - praise of Indian-Americans  gets two record-breaking standing ovations in a less than a  minute 

Best tweets: Modi signing autographs at US Congress after speech is sweet revenge for his supporters - same House denied visa for years

After his speech at the US Congress, PM Modi was surrounded by appreciative Congressmen, who seemed to be taking his autographs.  The speech had gone  down well drawing multiple standing ovations and cheers from the packed joint session of both the Houses at the Capitol Hill.  The sight of Modi signing autographs made many of his supporters emotional. They noted that the same US lawmakers had ensured that Modi would not been given visa to visit the US when he was chief minister due to the taint of the Gujarat riots.
The same US lawmakers had ensured that Modi would not been given visa to visit the US when he was chief minister due to the taint of the Gujarat riots.

June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

After his speech at the US Congress, PM Modi was surrounded by appreciative Congressmen, who seemed to be taking his autographs.

The speech had gone  down well drawing multiple standing ovations and cheers from the packed joint session of both the Houses at the Capitol Hill.

The sight of Modi signing autographs made many of his supporters emotional. They noted that the same US lawmakers had ensured that Modi would not been given visa to visit the US when he was chief minister due to the taint of the Gujarat riots.

They also noted that it was a 'burnol moment' for the liberal and leftist groups, which had lobbied with US officials to deny Modi visa.  

Best tweets: Modi signing autographs at US Congress after speech is sweet revenge for his supporters 


Modi speech in US Congress: Watch full video (46 minutes) and read full text (lots of pages)


Modi's  speech covered a wide span of topics - from both the countries commitment to democracy to their growing cooperation across the world. (full video and text below)

June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

PM Modi spoke to the joint session of the US Congress on Wednesday drawing a standing ovation several times.

His speech covered a wide span of topics - from both the countries commitment to democracy to their growing cooperation across the world.

There were elements of history in his speech, references to shared concerns, along with a dash of humour, a tribute to the bipartisan mood in the both the countries' legislatures.  

Many passages of his speech, especially his reference to Indian Americans drew multiple standing ovations.

Modi speech in US Congress: Watch full video (46.33 minutes) 

Full Modi speech in US Congress: Read transcript

Here's the full text of PM Modi's speech in US Congress:

Mr. Speaker,
Mr. Vice President,

Distinguished Members of the U.S. Congress, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am deeply honoured by the invitation to address this Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress. Thank you, Mr. Speaker for opening the doors of this magnificent Capitol. This temple of democracy has encouraged and empowered other democracies the world over. It manifests the spirit of this great nation, which in Abraham Lincoln's words, "was conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

In granting me this opportunity, you have honoured the world's largest democracy and its 1.25 billion people. As a representative of world's largest democracy, it is indeed a privilege to speak to the leaders of its oldest.

Mr. Speaker,

Two days ago, I began my visit by going to the Arlington National Cemetery -the final resting place of many brave soldiers of this great land. I honoured their courage and sacrifice for the ideals of freedom and democracy.

It was also the seventy-second Anniversary of the D-Day. On that day, thousands from this great country fought to protect the torch of liberty on the remote shores of a land that they did not know. They sacrificed their lives so that the world lives in freedom. I applaud …India applauds, the great sacrifices of the men and women from 'The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave' in service of mankind.

India knows what this means because our soldiers too have fallen in distant battlefields for the same ideals. That is why the threads of freedom and liberty form a strong bond between our two democracies.

Mr. Speaker, Our nations may have been shaped by differing histories, cultures, and faiths. Yet, our belief in democracy for our nations and liberty for our countrymen is common. The idea that all citizens are created equal is a central pillar of the American constitution.

Our founding fathers too shared the same belief and sought individual liberty for every citizen of India. There were many who doubted India when, as a newly independent nation, we reposed our faith in democracy.

Indeed, wagers were made on our failure. But, the people of India did not waver. Our founders created a modern nation with freedom, democracy, and equality as the essence of its soul. And, in doing so, they ensured that we continued to celebrate our age old diversity.
Today, across its streets and institutions, in its villages and cities, anchored in equal respect for all faiths; and in the melody of hundreds of its languages and dialects. India lives as one; India grows as one; India celebrates as one.

Mr. Speaker, Modern India is in its 70th year. For my government, the Constitution is its real holy book. And, in that holy book, freedom of faith, speech and franchise, and equality of all citizens, regardless of background, are enshrined as fundamental rights.
800 million of my countrymen may exercise the freedom of franchise once every five years. But, all the 1.25 billion of our citizens have freedom from fear, a freedom they exercise every moment of their lives.

Distinguished Members,

Engagement between our democracies has been visible in the manner in which our thinkers impacted one another, and shaped the course of our societies. Thoreau's idea of civil disobedience influenced our political thoughts.
And, similarly the call by the great sage of India Swami Vivekananda to embrace humanity was most famously delivered in Chicago.

Gandhi's non-violence inspired the heroism of Martin Luther King. Today, a mere distance of 3 miles separates the Martin Luther King memorial at Tidal Basin from the statue of Gandhi at Massachusetts Avenue.

This proximity of their memorials in Washington mirrors the closeness of ideals and values they believed in. The genius of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was nurtured in the years he spent at the Columbia University a century ago.

The impact of the U.S. constitution on him was reflected in his drafting of the Indian constitution some three decades later. Our independence was ignited by the same idealism that fuelled your struggle for freedom.

No wonder then that former Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Vajpayee called India and the U.S. 'natural allies'. No wonder that the shared ideals and common philosophy of freedom shaped the bedrock of our ties.

No wonder then, that President Obama has called our ties the defining partnership of the 21st century.
Mr. Speaker,
More than fifteen years ago, Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee stood here and gave a call to step out of the 'shadow of hesitation' of the past. The pages of our friendship since then tell a remarkable story. Today, our relationship has overcome the hesitations of history.
Comfort, candour and convergence define our conversations. Through the cycle of elections and transitions of Administrations the intensity of our engagements has only grown. And, in this exciting journey, the U.S. Congress has acted as its compass.

You helped us turn barriers into bridges of partnership. In the fall of 2008, when the Congress passed the India-U.S. Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, it changed the very colours of leaves of our relationship. We thank you for being there when the partnership needed you the most.
You have also stood by us in times of sorrow. India will never forget the solidarity shown by the U.S. Congress when terrorists from across our border attacked Mumbai in November of 2008.
And for this, we are grateful.

Mr. Speaker,
I am informed that the working of the U.S. Congress is harmonious. I am also told that you are well-known for your bipartisanship. Well, you are not alone. Time and again, I have also witnessed a similar spirit in the Indian Parliament, especially in our Upper House.
So, as you can see, we have many shared practices.

Mr. Speaker,
As this country knows well, every journey has its pioneers. Very early on, they shaped a development partnership even when the meeting ground was more limited. The genius of Norman Borlaug brought the Green Revolution and food security to India.

The excellence of the American Universities nurtured Institutes of Technology and Management in India. And, I could go on. Fast forward to today. The embrace of our partnership extends to the entirety of human endeavour-from the depths of the oceans to the vastness of the space.

Our S&T collaboration continues to helps us in cracking the age-old problems in the fields of public health, education, food, and agriculture. Ties of commerce and investment are flourishing. We trade more with the U.S. than with any other nation. And, the flow of goods, services and capital between us generates jobs in both our societies.

As in trade, so in defence. India exercises with the United States more than we do with any other partner. Defence purchases have moved from almost zero to ten billion dollars in less than a decade. Our cooperation also secures our cities and citizens from terrorists, and protects our critical infrastructure from cyber threats.
Civil Nuclear Cooperation, as I told President Obama yesterday, is a reality.

Mr. Speaker,

Our people to people links are strong; and there is close cultural connect between our societies. SIRI tells us that India's ancient heritage of Yoga has over 30 million practitioners in the U.S. It is estimated that more Americans bend for yoga than to throw a curve ball. And, no Mr. Speaker, we have not yet claimed intellectual property right on Yoga.

Connecting our two nations is also a unique and dynamic bridge of three million Indian Americans. Today, they are among your best CEOs; academics; astronauts; scientists; economists; doctors; even spelling bee champions. They are your strength. They are also the pride of India. They symbolize the best of both our societies.

Mr. Speaker,

My understanding of your great country began long before I entered public office. Long before assuming office, I travelled coast to coast, covering more than 25 States of America. I realized then that the real strength of the U.S. was in the dreams of its people and the boldness of their ambitions.
Today, Mr. Speaker, a similar spirit animates India. Our 800 million youth, especially, are particularly impatient. India is undergoing a profound social and economic change. A billion of its citizens are already politically empowered. My dream is to economically empower them through many social and economic transformations.

And, do so by 2022, the seventy-fifth anniversary of India's independence. My to-do list is long and ambitious. But you will understand. It includes:

· A vibrant rural economy with robust farm sector;
· A roof over each head and electricity to all households;
· To skill millions of our youth;
· Build 100 smart cities;
· Have a broad band for a billion, and connect our villages to the digital world;
· And create a twenty-first century rail, road and port infrastructure.

These are not just aspirations; they are goals to be reached in a finite time-frame. And, to be achieved with a light carbon foot print, with greater emphasis on renewables.

Mr. Speaker,

In every sector of India's forward march, I see the U.S. as an indispensable partner. Many of you also believe that a stronger and prosperous India is in America's strategic interest. Let us work together to convert shared ideals into practical cooperation. There can be no doubt that in advancing this relationship, both nations stand to gain in great measure.

As the U.S. businesses search for new areas of economic growth, markets for their goods, a pool of skilled resources, and global locations to produce and manufacture, India could be their ideal partner. India's strong economy, and growth rate of 7.6% per annum, is creating new opportunities for our mutual prosperity.

Transformative American technologies in India and growing investment by Indian companies in the United States both have a positive impact on the lives of our citizens. Today, for their global research and development centres, India is the destination of choice for the U.S. companies.

Looking eastward from India, across the Pacific, the innovation strength of our two countries comes together in California. Here, the innovative genius of America and India's intellectual creativity are working to shape new industries of the future.

Mr. Speaker,

The 21st century has brought with it great opportunities. But, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Inter-dependence is increasing. But, while some parts of the world are islands of growing economic prosperity; other are mired in conflicts. In Asia, the absence of an agreed security architecture creates uncertainty. Threats of terror are expanding, and new challenges are emerging in cyber and outer-space.
And, global institutions conceived in 20th century, seem unable to cope with new challenges or take on new responsibilities.

In this world full of multiple transitions and economic opportunities; growing uncertainties and political complexities; existing threats and new challenges; our engagement can make a difference by promoting:

· Cooperation not dominance;
Connectivity not isolation;
· Respect for Global Commons;
· inclusive not exclusive mechanisms; and above all
· adherence to international rules and norms.

India is already assuming her responsibilities in securing the Indian Ocean region. A strong India-U.S. partnership can anchor peace, prosperity and stability from Asia to Africa and from Indian Ocean to the Pacific.

It can also help ensure security of the sea lanes of commerce and freedom of navigation on seas. But, the effectiveness of our cooperation would increase if international institutions framed with the mindset of the 20th century were to reflect the realities of today.

Mr. Speaker,
Before arriving in Washington D.C., I had visited Herat in Western Afghanistan to inaugurate Afghan-India Friendship Dam, a 42 MW hydro-electric project built with Indian assistance. I was also there on the Christmas day last year to dedicate to that proud nation its Parliament, a testimony to our democratic ties.

Afghans naturally recognize that the sacrifices of American have helped create a better life. But, your contribution in keeping the region safe and secure is deeply appreciated even beyond. India too has made an enormous contribution and sacrifices to support our friendship with Afghan people.
A commitment to rebuild a peaceful, and stable and prosperous Afghanistan our shared objective. Yet, Distinguished Members, not just in Afghanistan, but elsewhere in South Asia, and globally, terrorism remains the biggest threat.

In the territory stretching from West of India's border to Africa, it may go by different names, from Laskhar-e-Taiba, to Taliban to ISIS. But, it’s philosophy is common: of hate, murder and violence.
Although it's shadow is spreading across the world, it is incubated in India's neighbourhood. I commend the members of the U.S. Congress for sending a clear message to those who preach and practice terrorism for political gains.

Refusing to reward them is the first step towards holding them accountable for their actions. The fight against terrorism has to be fought at many levels. And, the traditional tools of military, intelligence or diplomacy alone would not be able to win this fight.

Mr. Speaker,
We have both lost civilians and soldiers in combating it. The need of the hour is for us to deepen our security cooperation. And, base it on a policy:
· that isolates those who harbour, support and sponsor terrorists;
· that does not distinguish between "good" and "bad" terrorists; and that delinks religion from terrorism.
Also, for us to succeed, those who believe in humanity must come together to fight for it as one, and speak against this menace in one voice. Terrorism must be delegitimized.

Mr. Speaker,
The benefits of our partnership extend not just to the nations and regions that need it most.
On our own, and by combining our capacities, we are also responding to other global challenges including when disaster strikes and where humanitarian relief is needed. Far from our shores, we evacuated thousands from Yemen, Indians, Americans and others.
Nearer home, we were the first responders during Nepal's earthquake, in the Maldives water crisis and most recently during landslide in Sri Lanka. We are also one of the largest contributors of troops to UN Peace Keeping Operations.

Often, India and the U.S. have combined their strengths in science, technology and innovation to help fight hunger, poverty, diseases and illiteracy in different parts of the world.
The success of our partnership is also opening up new opportunities for learning, security and development from Asia to Africa.
And, the protection of environment and caring for the planet is central to our shared vision of a just world.

For us in India, to live in harmony with mother earth is part of our ancient belief. And, to take from nature only what is most essential is part of our civilizational ethos. Our partnership, therefore, aims to balance responsibilities with capabilities. And, it also focuses on new ways to increase the availability and use of renewable energy.

A strong U.S. support for our initiative to form an International Solar Alliance is one such effort. We are working together not just for a better future for ourselves, but for the whole world. This has also been the goal of our efforts in G-20, East Asia Summit and Climate Change summits.

Mr. Speaker and Distinguished Members
As we deepen our partnership, there would be times when we would have differing perspectives. But, since our interests and concerns converge, the autonomy in decision making and diversity in our perspectives can only add value to our partnership. So, as we embark on a new journey, and seek new goals, let us focus not just on matters routine but transformational ideas.
Ideas which can focus:
· Not just on creating wealth but also creating value for our societies;
· Not just on immediate gains but also long term benefits;
· Not just on sharing best practices but also shaping partnerships; and
· Not just on building a bright future for our peoples, but in being a bridge to a more united, humane and prosperous world.
And, important for the success of this journey would be a need to view it with new eyes and new sensitivities.
When we do this, we will realise the full promise of this extraordinary relationship.

Mr. Speaker,
My final thoughts and words would reiterate that our relationship is primed for a momentous future. The constraints of the past are behind us and foundations of the future are firmly in place.
In the lines of Walt Whitman, "The Orchestra have sufficiently tuned their instruments, the baton has given the signal. And to that, if I might add, there is a new symphony in play. Thank you Mr. Speaker and Distinguished members for this honour.
Thank you very much.

Video: Modi speech in US Congress - praise of Indian-Americans gets two record-breaking standing ovations in less than a minute 

Kangana Ranaut allegedly sent ''plain friendly'' messages to Ranbir Kapoor and they upset him, says noted website

Kangana Ranaut may be heading towards another controversy, with a report alleging that she sent messages and mails to Ranbir Kapoor.   The messages described as ''plain friendly'' and " too many" reportedly 'rattled' Ranbir Kapoor, who discussed the matter with his friends.  The report published in SpotBoye was filed by Vicky Lalwani, a veteran Bolywood journalist, who had earlier broken the  story on Hrithik Roshan sending a legal notice to  Kangana Ranaut.
Kangana's messagesand mails reportedly 'rattled' Ranbir Kapoor, who discussed the matter with his friends.
June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

Kangana Ranaut may be heading towards another controversy, with a report alleging that she sent messages and mails to Ranbir Kapoor.

The messages described as ''plain friendly'' and " too many" reportedly 'rattled' Ranbir Kapoor, who discussed the matter with his friends.

The report published in SpotBoye was filed by Vicky Lalwani, a veteran Bolywood journalist, who had earlier broken the  story on Hrithik Roshan sending a legal notice to  Kangana Ranaut.

Hrithik Roshan had also accused Kangana Ranaut of sending unsolicited messages.

The report said that Kangana Ranaut had begun sending messages even before Ranbir Kapoor had split from Katrina Kaif.

Ranbir Kapoor was definitely not comfortable having Kangana Ranaut as his friend, noted SpotBoye.

Media reports had claimed on Wednesday that Ranbir Kapoor was upset with the rumour that he was dating Kangana Ranaut. He had reportedly said he knew who was spreading the rumour and had threatened to expose the person.

In leaked emails, Kangana Ranaut allegedly writes about her love for Hrithik Roshan - googling about him, setting up his kitchen 

After getting clean chit on pedophile charge, journalist Hasan Suroor targets BJP trolls in first tweet

First things first - immediately after getting cleared of pedophile charges, noted journalist Hasan Suroor has attacked BJP trolls, who had mercilessly targeted him, when he was charged.  After taking a break from Twitter for seven months, he tweeted twice on Wednesday. The first tweet was a link to a Hindustan Times  report which said the case against him had been dropped.  In the tweet that followed, he went after the BJP trolls with an I am-back sort of message.
As Hasan Suroor  put it: BJP trolls in mourning after the fabricated
case against me dropped.
June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

First things first - immediately after getting cleared of pedophile charges, noted journalist Hasan Suroor has attacked BJP trolls, who had mercilessly targeted him, when he was charged.

After taking a break from Twitter for seven months, he tweeted twice on Wednesday. The first tweet was a link to a Hindustan Times  report which said the case against him had been dropped.

In the tweet that followed, he went after the BJP trolls with an I am-back sort of message.

As he put it: BJP trolls in mourning after the fabricated case against me dropped.

British prosecutors dropped their case against Hasan Suroor on Tuesday saying there was  “no evidence” to show that he had “sexual groomed” a minor as alleged a vigilante group.

The judge also said he had decided to give a  “not guilty” verdict. He ruled that serious allegations were being pursued on the basis of a “telephone call” from an “unregulated” vigilante group.

Hasan Suroor said he would sue the vigilante group called Unknown TV, whose sting had led to his arrest.

Unknown TV allegedly befriended Hasan Suroor on Facebook posing as a 14-year-old girl. The "girl" reportedly brought in a sexual angle to their conversation, eliciting a favourable response from him.

Under British law it is a crime to initiate any conversation of sexual nature with minors.

Journalist Hasan Suroor caught in video sting, reportedly arrested in London on paedophile charge (With video) 

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto personally drives Modi for vegetarian dinner at restaurant - scraps official dinner, gives personal touch (six photos)

Enrique Pena Nieto left his Los Pinos residence driving the car himself, along with Modi seated in the front passenger's seat. MEA Pic
June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto personally drives Modi for vegetarian dinner at restaurant - five photos - scraps official dinner, gives personal touch

After assuring Modi of Mexico's support to India's entry to Nuclear Suppliers Group, President Enrique Pena Nieto changed plans, and drove the visiting prime minister, to a local restaurant for a vegetarian meal.

According to the itinerary announced earlier for the last leg of Modi's five nation trip, Enrique Pena Nieto was scheduled to host a state dinner for Modi.

But Enrique Pena Nieto left his Los Pinos residence driving the car himself, along with Modi seated in the front passenger's seat.

The thrilled MEA noted that it was a special gesture and informed that both the leaders feasted on bean tacos.

Enrique Pena Nieto, though a slightly controversial figure in Mexico, is known  for his informal and personal style of functioning.

Last month, he came out in support of gay marriages and on the occasion ordered his own and all government Twitter accounts to be doused in rainbow colours.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto personally drives Modi for vegetarian dinner at restaurant 

Enrique Pena Nieto left his Los Pinos residence driving the car himself, along with Modi seated in the front passenger's seat. MEA Pic

Enrique Pena Nieto left his Los Pinos residence driving the car himself, along with Modi seated in the front passenger's seat. MEA Pic

Enrique Pena Nieto left his Los Pinos residence driving the car himself, along with Modi seated in the front passenger's seat. MEA Pic

Enrique Pena Nieto left his Los Pinos residence driving the car himself, along with Modi seated in the front passenger's seat. MEA Pic

Fish inside jelly fish bell – both likely to die, say researchers explaining the truth in the viral photo

The host is likely to die from the injury when the fish tries to get out. And the fish may also succumb to the jellyfish’s venom.  Pic courtesy Tim Samuel
June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

A baffling photo of a fish inside a transparent jelly fish, taken by an Australian ocean photographer, Tim Samuel, has gone viral.

Though it was thought to be a hoax initially, the photo has been now confirmed to be true.

Tim Samuel says he photographed the pair near the surface at Byron Bay, New South Wales and posted it on his Instagram account, from where it went viral.

As media outlets pounced upon the story, the big question emerged, what was a live fish doing inside the bell.  The box jellyfish in the photo is said to be extremely venomous, so, how the fish survive the sting?

Experts say the fish could be a juvenile trevally, which often hides under the bells of jellyfish when they are young. So, it may have some immunity to the venom.

But trevally normally hide under jellyfish that are much larger than they are. But in the photo, the fish is almost as large as its host.

The host is likely to die from the injury when the fish tries to get out. And the fish may also succumb to the jellyfish’s venom.  Pic courtesy Tim Samuel
Experts say the encounter that led to the fish slipping into the jellyfish bell may have been an accident: "Accidents happen in nature as much as they do for us," one of them was quotedsaying.

Many of them said the outcome would be bad for both the fish and the jellyfish.

The host is likely to die from the injury when the fish tries to get out. And the fish may also succumb to the jellyfish’s venom.

Angry tweets: Hogwash outcry after Mid Day column campaigns to whitewash Tarun Tejpal – Not Time for rethink


A Mid Day column has been slammed for trying to rehabilitate disgraced journalist Tarun Tejpal, who is facing a rape charge and is out on bail.  The column has united voices on both left and right. Sidharth Varadarajan, a left icon, said it was time to ask questions on the tardy progress of the rape trial in Goa and speed it up.  India Today senior journalist Shiv Aroor, a committed right-winger, said the Mid Day had given gives Tarun Tejpal a milk bath.
Mid Day column noted that while Tarun Tejpal had ‘committed a grave error’, but suggested, he should not have been ‘dragged through the coals’ for that.

June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

A Mid Day column has been slammed for trying to rehabilitate disgraced journalist Tarun Tejpal, who is facing a rape charge and is out on bail.

The column has united voices on both left and right. Sidharth Varadarajan, a left icon, said it was time to ask questions on the tardy progress of the rape trial in Goa and speed it up.

India Today senior journalist Shiv Aroor, a committed right-winger, said the Mid Day had given gives Tarun Tejpal a milk bath.

The 174 word Mid Day column briefly said it was time to bring back THINK, an talking event promoted by Tarun Tejpal, as ‘India needs strong liberal voices.’ It went on to inform that THINK could be revived early 2017, with a hint that it would be a proxy vehicle for Tarun Tejpal’s comeback.

The column noted that while Tarun Tejpal had ‘committed a grave error’, but suggested, he should not have been ‘dragged through the coals’ for that.

There was some moving optimismin the short piece: “The rehabilitation of the once celebrated writer is underway…After all, everyone makes a comeback in India. Ask the politicians.”

The same column had made another reference to Tarun Tejpal in March. It had noted that a ‘a distinctly rested looking’ Tarun Tejpal had attended an event organised by Delhi socialite Bina Ramani. There was also a photo of Bina Ramani and Tarun Tejpal in the column that came with an intriguing headline – Rest and Rehabilitated.

As the columnist found out, Tarun Tejpal still evokes strong emotions. In 2014, he had been included in the list of speakers at the Times Literature Festival in Mumbai. After other participants started pulling out, he was dropped.  

 Angry tweets: Hogwash outcry after Mid Day column campaigns to whitewash Tarun Tejpal  


After uproar, Times Of India Litfest removes Tarun Tejpal from list of invitees  

Vindu Dara Singh‘s Russian wife Dina Umarova’s bikini modelling photos go viral – 20 all new sizzling pictures


It is the turn of Dina Umarova, Vindu Dara Singh’s Russian wife and a former bikini model, to get her 15 seconds of social media fame.   A few photos her in the two-piece suit have gone viral, noted ABL Live. No body is sure what is making her buzz.   Dina Umarova was in news in March when she and Vindu Dara Singh were eliminated by Arbaaz-Malaika pair in the Power Couple finals. Ironically, while the winners’ marriage crumbled, the losers are going strong.
Dina Umarova was in news in March when she and Vindu Dara Singh were eliminated by Arbaaz-Malaika pair in the Power Couple finals.

June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

It is the turn of Dina Umarova, Vindu Dara Singh’s Russian wife and a former bikini model, to get her 15 seconds of social media fame.

A few photos her in the two-piece suit have gone viral, noted ABL Live. No body is sure what is making her buzz.

Dina Umarova was in news in March when she and Vindu Dara Singh were eliminated by Arbaaz-Malaika pair in the Power Couple finals. Ironically, while the winners’ marriage crumbled, the losers are going strong.

Vindu Dara Singh married Dina Umarova after divorcing his first wife Farah.  The couple have a daughter, Amelia, and their relationship has stood the test of time. When Vindu Dara Singh was in trouble over the betting allegations, she had stood by him like a rock.

When Dina Umarova had a bad encounter with a contestant on a reality show, Maa Exchange, Vindu Dara Singh was out there blasting her tormentor and protecting his wife.

Vindu Dara Singh‘s Russian wife Dina Umarova’s bikini modelling photos gone viral – 20 all new sizzling pictures 

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A photo posted by Dina Umarova Singh (@kisulina1) on

A R Rahman composed "Jai Ho" for Yuvraj – but Subhash Ghai rejected it as too soft for Zayed Khan character

A R Rahman composed his Oscar winning song ‘Jai Ho’ Subhash Ghai’s 2008 movie Yuvraj, which had Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor and Zayed Khan in the lead.   After Subhash Ghai rejected it, ‘Jai Ho’ was used in Slumbdog Millionaire the same year and went on to find international success, fetching an Oscar.
Rejected by Ghai, "Jai Ho" won A R Rahman Oscar in Slumbdog Millionaire

June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

A R Rahman composed his Oscar winning song ‘Jai Ho’ Subhash Ghai’s 2008 movie Yuvraj, which had Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor and Zayed Khan in the lead.

After Subhash Ghai rejected it, ‘Jai Ho’ was used in Slumbdog Millionaire the same year and went on to find international success, fetching an Oscar.

The song was to be picturised on Zayed Khan, who plays brat in Yuvraj and Ghai thought it was "too subtle and soft” for the character.  Ghai, however, liked the song and said the words had a positive prayer-like feel.

Rahman and Gulzar, who wrote the lyrics,  believed the song had "immense potential" and they were proved right.

Wikipediaentry quotes Rahman saying he did not think the song would win him an Oscar though. “But like the film Slumdog suggests, everything has its own destiny," he notes. 

In chilling video, masked man stabs customer inside Jopdhpur ATM – criminal caught by police later, victim in hospital (CCTV)

An inattentive youth was stabbed by a  masked man inside an ATM in Jodhpur on Thursday.  In swift action, the police have arrested the accused, Naveen Parihar, who said he was desperate for money.  The incident caught by CCTV camera shows the risks customers potentially face in ATMs without security guards.
The youth is so engrossed in drawing and counting money, he fails to notice Naveen Parihar allegedly entering the ATM wearing a mask….(video below)
June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

An inattentive youth was stabbed by a  masked man inside an ATM in Jodhpur on Thursday.

In swift action, the police have arrested the accused, Naveen Parihar, who said he was desperate for money.

The incident caught by CCTV camera shows the risks customers potentially face in ATMs without security guards.

The youth is so engrossed in drawing and counting money, he fails to notice Naveen Parihar allegedly entering the ATM wearing a mask and waiting for an opportune moment.

You can see him drawing a knife from his back pocket and at a blood-curdling moment pouncing upon the victim and stabbing him continuously. It was victim’s instinctive resistance that saved him.

As the victim blocked a few blows successfully, Naveen Parihar ran away only to be apprehended later.

The victim has been hospitalised.

In chilling video, masked man stabs customer inside Jopdhpur ATM (CCTV)

Emraan Hashmi heroine Alisa Khan said to be 'homeless' in Delhi, was allegedly thrown out of home after boyfriend uploaded MMS clip (with video)

  Media is reporting that Bollywood starlet Alisa Khan, who was paired with Emraan Hashmi twice, is homeless in Delhi.  India Today reported that she was seen roaming in Greater Kailash, after she was allegedly kicked out of her home.  Alisa Khan has reportedly taken refuge at a temple, is dependent on a few friends, and said to be struggling even for regular meals.
Media reports described Alisa Khan's condition as a riches-to-rags story and compared her plight to Geetanjali Nagpal (video below)

June 9, 2016, NewsCrunch

Media is reporting that Bollywood starlet Alisa Khan, who was paired with Emraan Hashmi twice, is homeless in Delhi.

India Today reported that she was seen roaming in Greater Kailash, after she was allegedly kicked out of her home.

Alisa Khan has reportedly taken refuge at a temple, is dependent on a few friends, and said to be struggling even for regular meals.

The report says Alisa Khan got into trouble after her boyfriend allegedly uploaded an MMS clip revealing intimate pictures of the actress. Her brother and mother allegedly threw her out of the house following the incident.  

Alisa Khan is a descendant of Mohammed Nawab Ghaziauddin Khan, the founder of Ghaziabad and is said to be from an aristocratic family.

Media reports described her condition as a riches-to-rags story and compared her plight to Geetanjali Nagpal, a popular model who had run into difficult circumstances and was found living in the streets.
Though Alisa Khan was seen in a few modelling assignments and music videos, her film career never took off though she bagged two high-profile projects, both with Emraan Hashmi.

Media reports described Alisa Khan's condition as a riches-to-rags story and compared her plight to Geetanjali Nagpal (video below)

The first film, My Husband's Wife, made in 2011, and the second was a Vikram Bhat movie, Aaina, shot in 2013. There is no record of any of these movies having been released.

The industry forgot about Alisa Khan, till a few Hindi publications reported last month that  she had become homeless after the MMS scandal. Pretty much the same details were played out on Thursday as well, though in other media outlets.

While shooting My Husband's Wife's Alisa Khan had accused that co-star Rakhi Vohra had tried to molest her. While the media coverage of that incident is still available online, no detail of the recent MMS scandal is available, though she is said to have filed a police complaint against the boyfriend.

Video: Emraan Hashmi heroine Alisa Khan said to be 'homeless' in Delhi

Video: RJ Balaji's viral speech at CNN Indian of the year awards - flood changed people of Chennai for the better, removed their masks

CNN News 18 has awarded its Indian of the year 2015 to the people of Chennai on Thursday and popular R J R Balaji's speech has gone viral.  R Balaji, along with actor Sidharth and other friends, had started a spontaneous movement ChennaiMicro on Decemebr 1, the day the flood hit Chennai. The movement using the #ChennaiMicro hashtag on Twitter mobilised massive resources and thousands of volunteers and managed to feed 5,-000 people on day one alone.  In a the short two minute speech R Balaji said flood changed people of Chennai forever.
Chennai Micro team accepts The Indian of the Year 2015 award goes to People of Chennai (video below)

June 10, 2016, NewsCrunch

CNN News 18 awarded its Indian of the year 2015 to the people of Chennai on Thursday and popular RJ Balaji's acceptance speech has gone viral.

RJ Balaji, along with actor Sidharth and other friends, had started a spontaneous movement ChennaiMicro on Decemebr 1, the day the flood hit Chennai. The movement using #ChennaiMicro hashtag on Twitter mobilised massive resources, and thousands of volunteers and managed to feed 5,-000 people on day one alone.

In a short two minute speech, RJ Balaji said, flood changed people of Chennai forever.

When they started #ChennaiMicro, they never  thought it would become become so big and draw support from thousands of people, he said.

As a child, RJ Balaji said, he had always wondered how our forefathers had fought for Independence so selflessly and why had present-day Indians changed so much.

Chennai floods showed that people could again become selflessness and go all out to help each other

He said there have been very few moments in India after Independence, which make us feel proud of ourselves - may be a Virat Kohli century or a Priyanka Chopra getting a role in Baywatch.

Chennai floods and its people's response was a moment we can feel proud of ourselves, he said.

The flood also ripped out caste, class, religion and other masks we wear and revealed our human faces, said RJ Balaji.

When you think of Chennai don't just think of its masala dosas and Rajinikanth  lungi dance - also remember the spirit of its people, which is the true spirit of India, said RJ Balaji.

Balaji Patturaj popularly known as RJ Balaji, is an Indian radio jockey, presenter, comedian and actor based in Chennai.

Video: R Balaji's viral speech at CNN-News 18's Indian of the year awards 


Chennai floods: Muslim man Yunus offers to pay for education of Hindu baby girl named after him 

Cobra takes refuge in plane at Chennai airport to escape from flood – rescued and released (Watch video) 

Confusion over Modi's teleprompter in US Congress speech as he may have used a transparent StagePro Presidential Series device

When Modi delivered his widely appreciated speech at the US Congress on Wednesday, did he use a teleprompter?  Social media is divided over the question. After he finished his speech, messages from some of his followers poured out congratulating him for speaking extempore.  But his critics hit back marking two devices in his US Congress speech  photos, which look like teleprompters.  But some remain skeptical as these devices do not look like the usual TV screen teleprompters we are used to in India.
Modi may have used a StagePro Presidential Teleprompter, which is transparent to the audience and by and large to the TV cameras, unless they decide to pick them out.

June 10, 2016, NewsCrunch

When Modi delivered his widely appreciated speech at the US Congress on Wednesday, did he use a teleprompter?

Social media is divided over the question. After he finished his speech, messages from some of his followers poured out congratulating him for speaking extempore.

But his critics hit back marking two devices in his US Congress speech  photos, which look like teleprompters.  But some remain skeptical as these devices do not look like the usual TV screen teleprompters we are used to in India.

Blame the confusion on the technological difference.

As Rediff points out, Modi may have used a StagePro Presidential Teleprompter, which is transparent to the audience and by and large to the TV cameras, unless they decide to pick them out.

They come with glass reflection monitors, on which the text scroll, which is visible to the speaker, but not to the audience sitting before him.  There is also a behind the scene operator who adjusts the   speed of scroll with the speed of narration.

Modi's use of teleprompters has created controversy earlier as well. Last year, in a fit of absent mindedness he had read  'Mrs Sirisena' as 'M R S  Sirisena' while welcoming the Sri Lankan presdient and his wife on their Indian visit.


Viral video: PM Modi’s terrible slip, calls Sri Lankan Prez’s wife M.R.S. Sirisena 

When Modi delivered his widely appreciated speech at the US Congress on Wednesday, did he use a teleprompter?  Social media is divided over the question. After he finished his speech, messages from some of his followers poured out congratulating him for speaking extempore.  But his critics hit back marking two devices in his US Congress speech  photos, which look like teleprompters.  But some remain skeptical as these devices do not look like the usual TV screen teleprompters we are used to in India.
Modi may have used a StagePro Presidential Teleprompter, which is transparent to the audience and by and large to the TV cameras, unless they decide to pick them out.

‘Udta Anurag Kashyap’ trolled for hitting out against addiction keeping vodka bottle in background – it has just water, he says

Udta Punjab co-producer Anurag Kashyap is being trolled for his campaign against addiction keeping a Absolut vodka bottle in the background.  The noted Bollywood director is in the middle of a huge fight against the censor board to get his new movie Udta Punjab cleared.
TV interviews followed and the vodka bottle stayed put.

June 10, 2016, NewsCrunch

Udta Punjab co-producer Anurag Kashyap is being trolled for his campaign against addiction keeping a Absolut vodka bottle in the background.

The noted Bollywood director is in the middle of a huge fight against the censor board to get his new movie Udta Punjabcleared.

In an interview to ANI on June 7, he said Udta Punjab should be cleared without any cuts as it deals with the problems of addiction caused by drugs and alcohol. The camera caught the Swedish-made Absolut vodka bottle on a table in the background.

More TV interviews followed and the vodka bottle stayed put. As the trolls mounted their counter campaign, Anurag Kashyap tweeted saying it just had water.

‘Udta Anurag Kashyap’ trolled for hitting out against addiction keeping vodka bottle in background 

Angry with Speaker, Delhi Assembly BJP leader Vijender Gupta stands up on the bench upsetting Kejriwal – watch video

Vijender Gupta, Leader of Opposition of Delhi Assembly, stood on the bench and started yelling on Friday after he was not allowed to speak by the Speaker Ram Niwas Goel.  The Speaker refused to budge and threatened to call the Marshalls.  Many MLAs including Deputy CM Manish Sisodia smiled at the antics and seeking to treat it as a joke, though some claimed that the Assembly was being insulted.
The Speaker refused to budge and threatened to call the Marshalls after Vijender Gupta climved the desk and stood erect (video below)
June 10, 2016, NewsCrunch

BJP MLA and Leader of Opposition of Delhi Assembly, Vijender Gupta, stood on the bench and started yelling on Friday after he was not allowed to speak by the Speaker Ram Niwas Goel.

The Speaker refused to budge and threatened to call the Marshalls.

Many MLAs including Deputy CM Manish Sisodia smiled at the antics and seeking to treat it as a joke, though some claimed that the Assembly was being insulted.

India.comreports that CM Arvind Kejriwal got upset and lashed out at Vijender Gupta for disrespecting the Assembly.

He reportedly threatened to expose the scam in which Vijender Gupta’s wife is involved in retaliation.

In the 60 member Assembly, with only three members, BJP is badly outnumbered. Its MLAs frequently resort to over-the-top tactics to get their point across. One of the members O P Sharma has been expelled for making a derogatory remark against AAP MLA Alka Lamba.

Vijender Gupta had been carried out of the Assembly by Marshalls in last June as well.

Video: Upset with Speaker, Delhi Assembly BJP leader Vijender Gupta stands up on the bench

Video: Vijender Gupta carried out of Delhi assembly in June 2015

Video: Watch controversial fish therapy for asthma patients in Hyderabad – dip in number of patients in recent years

The Bathini Goud family of Hyderabad has just concluded its annual camp, in which live fish smeared with a yellow paste, are forced fed to asthma patients.   The ingredients of the yellow paste is a family secret and the Bathini Gouds claim they have been treating asthma with that for the last 160 years.    Patients collect a token which can be exchanged for a plastic pouch filled with water and live murray fish. One of the members of the family takes the fish out and opens its mouth to smear the yellow paste. The fish is then shoved into the open mouth of the patient.
One of the members of Bathini Goud family takes the fish out and opens its mouth to smear the yellow paste. Image courtesy Simc Wire (video below)

June 10, 2016, NewsCrunch

The Bathini Goud family of Hyderabad has just concluded its annual camp, in which live fish smeared with a yellow paste, were  forced fed to asthma patients.

The ingredients of the yellow paste are a family secret and the Bathini Gouds claim they have been treating asthma with that for the last 160 years.

Patients collect a token which can be exchanged for a plastic pouch filled with water and live murrayfish. One of the members of the family takes the fish out and opens its mouth to smear the yellow paste. The fish is then shoved into the open mouth of the patient.

To ensure that the fish does wriggle down, the nostrils of the patients are also pressed together, forcing them gulp down the mix.

For the cure to be effective, patients are asked to come for three or four more annual trips. There are also dietary restrictions to be followed.

Over the last decade or so the treatment has become controversial with rationalists seeking a ban on it. The Bathini Goud family has been unable to give a convincing explanation on how the cure works.

Tests have shown that the yellow paste does not contain any steroid, but the efficacy of the treatment has never been established with both supporters and detractors asserting in equal numbers.

Due to the controversy Bathini Goud family have  stopped calling the fish therapy ‘medicine’ and use the word ‘prasadam’ or spiritual offering now.

Perhaps due to the increasingly sceptical media coverage, the number of patients has also dipped considerably. The Bathini Goud family say they used to treat lakhs of people earlier, though the number of patients now seems to range between30,000 to 50,000 a year.

Video: Watch Bathini Goud family’s controversial  fish therapy for asthma patients in Hyderabad

Madhuri Dixit calls ex-flame Sanjay Dutt after 25 years to ensure Rajkumar Hirani drops her role from his biopic (with video)


Several media reports are saying that Madhuri Dixit called ex flame Sanjay Dutt recently to ensure that the biopic on the actor being made by Rajkumar Hirani would drop all references to her.  When the work on biopic started last year, Madhuri Dixit had similarly approached Hirani not to rake up her affair with Sanjay Dutt and the director had reportedly agreed reluctantly.  But in the scripting team, there was reportedly a second thought that the relationship with Madhuri Dixit covers a crucial segment of Sanjay Dutt's life and would have to be brought in some way.
The affair  caused a scandal and was bitterly opposed by Madhuri Dixit's family as Sanjay Dutt was married to Richa Sharma...(video below)

June 11, 2016, NewsCrunch

Several media reports are saying that Madhuri Dixit called ex flame Sanjay Dutt recently to ensure that the biopic on the actor being made by Rajkumar Hirani would drop all references to her.

When the work on biopic started last year, Madhuri Dixit had similarly approached Hirani not to rake up her affair with Sanjay Dutt and the director had reportedly agreed reluctantly.

But in the scripting team, there was reportedly a second thought that the relationship with Madhuri Dixit covers a crucial segment of Sanjay Dutt's life and would have to be brought in some way.

That seems to have made Madhuri Dixit place a call to Sanjay Dutt, 25 years after she had called off their relationship.

Among the different relationships Sanjay Dutt has had, the most talked about and scandalous was his affair with Madhuri Dixit.

After languishing in the industry for a few years, Madhuri Dixit became a sensation with the Mohini character in Tezaab in 2008. for her next film Kanoon Apna Apna, she was signed opposite Sanjay Dutt. The film today remembered today only for its steamy scenes and a kiss between the two brought them close together in real life as well.

It caused a scandal and was bitterly opposed by Madhuri Dixit's family as Sanjay Dutt was married to Richa Sharma, who was ailing, and also had a young daughter, Trishala. But after Richa passed away from cancer the couple got very close till Sanjay Dutt went to jail after the 1992 blasts.

Madhuri Dixit cut off her relationship with Sanjay Dutt so abruptly and ruthlessly, many common friends were taken aback.

Film journalist Bharati Pradhan wrote in The Telegraph that "Madhuri had always been a clean player. A Dutt-Dixit alliance would’ve been disastrous and she was too sensible not to see it."

A few years later Dixit married Dr. Shriram Madhav Nene, a cardiovascular surgeon from Los Angeles and had two sons, Arin and Rayaan from him.

In the biopic, Ranbit Kapoor is set to play Sanjay Dutt and the filmmakers are looking for two actresses to play Richa Sharma and Manyata, his present wife.

Video: Madhuri Dixit and Sanjay Dutt kiss scene from Kanoon Apna Apna 



Madhuri Dixit 's debut TV serial Bombay Hai Meri - five vintage photos

Funny pictures: In Delhi BJP MLA Vijendra Gupta a troll dream come true - 10 great images of the new Statue of Puberty


 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

June 11, 2016, NewsCrunch

BJP MLA Vijendra Gupta broke Internet on Friday by climbing on a table  in the Assembly and standing erect on it to get his point  across.

The response to his action is predictable and split on political lines - AAP group calling it shameful and their BJP rivals saying he had no choice as the Speaker Ram Niwas Goel did not let him speak.

For the trolls the sight of Vijendra Gupta in a crisp and sparkling kurta and pyajama standing erect on an Assembly desk was too juicy a target to be missed. As one of them said, Vijendra Gupta looked like a Statute of Puberty.

An AAP supporter Twitter account ( @A2687) created a few memes to take forward the iconic imagery Vijendra Gupta had already presented.

In the funny images below you have Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks,  witnessing historic moments, crossing  the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

Funny pictures: In Delhi BJP MLA Vijendra Gupta a troll dream come true 

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time,
and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

 Vijendra Gupta at famous landmarks, witnessing historic moments, crossing the ,limits of space and time, and even teasing you with viral puzzles.

Angry with Speaker, Delhi Assembly BJP leader Vijender Gupta stands up on the bench upsetting Kejriwal – watch video 

Watch terrifying video of white tiger pouncing upon woman in Russian zoo

A video of a white tiger attacking a woman visitor at a Russian zoo has gone viral.   The woman is seen sitting on a platform outside an enclosure that has the tiger.   A friend is taking the woman’s video and she is talking into the camera; you can see the tiger crouching and taking attack position in the background.
The woman is talking into the camera and you can see the tiger taking attack
position in the background (video below)
June 11, 2016, NewsCrunch

A video of a white tiger attacking a woman visitor at a Russian zoo has gone viral.

The woman is seen sitting on a platform outside an enclosure that has the tiger.

A friend is taking the woman’s video and she is talking into the camera; you can see the tiger crouching and taking attack position in the background.

Call it instinct, she turns back in the nick of time to see the tiger pouncing upon her. Screaming she scampers away and is saved only by the tough glass barricade which spectacularly checks the tiger’s leap.

In a Japanese zoo recently, a glass barricade had similarly stopped a lion from pouncing upon the a child. The officials had said the lion was friendly and was trying to be playful.

This tiger, we are not sure.

Watch terrifying video of white tiger pouncing upon woman in Russian zoo

Viral video: The huge lion who pounced upon the boy – he just wanted to play, say officials 

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