Rekha was also on stage to give away the Best Actress award to Aishwarya, who had won it for Jazbaa. (Video below) |
Aishwarya Rai created a flutter at the recent Sansui Stardust Awards 2016.function when she addressed veteran actress Rekha as 'maa' on stage.
Rekha was also on stage to give away the Best Actress award to Aishwarya, who had won it for Jazbaa.
After she uttered the 'maa' word all eyes, including cameras, turned to get Amitabh Bachchan's reaction. They were not disappointed as the normally affable senior actor had turned grim.
Since the Bachchan family survived Amitabh's intense affair with Rekha, the actress has been a taboo. All Bachchans try to avoid any contact with Rekha and what Aishwarya did may have come as a surprise.