Martina Navratilova takes on Indian trolls on anti-national controversy |
February 24, 2016, NewsCrunch
Iconic tennis player Martina Navratilova waded into the anti-national row in India asserting that what happened in JNU was not sedition and battling trolls who tried to take on her.
It started when Martina tweeted a link to an opinion piece by The New York Times writer Nilanjana S Roy, "What passes for sedition in India".
Agreeing with the article, which took a critical stand on the right wing action on JNU and Rohith Vemula, Martina commented that ultra nationalism could easily turn into violence at worst, bullying at best.
As her tweet went viral, it did not go down well with the Indian nationalists who said anti-nationals deserved to be bullied and asked her to stop dishing out unsolicited advise.
But Martina was unapologetic, stuck to her points in a series of tweets and said, dissent was not sedition.
She tweeted saying: "Once again - it is not anti-Indian to disagree with a particular party. You just proved the point of that article...."
Following the controversy, she tweeted yet another link to a NYT edit which had condemned the JNU incident. The edit had quoted noted academic Pratap Bhanu Mehta saying, Modi government “have threatened democracy; that is the most anti-national of all acts.”
Martina expressed surprise at Mehta's strong statement and wondered if he knew what he was talking about.
Martina Navratilova tweets on JNu controversy - battles Twitter trolls (9 tweets)
India’s Crackdown on Dissent, - is Pratap Bhanu Mehta right or wrong? Does he know what he is talking about?— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 23, 2016
What Passes for Sedition in India, -ultra nationalism easily turns into violence at worst, bullying at best.— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016
@Aravind8 once again- it is not anti indian to disagree with a particular party. You just proved the point of that article…— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016
@dvji not giving advice- just posting an article and saying extremism can become violent very easily.— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016
@dvji and these days RW extremism seems on the rise. I could be wrong. And I love India btw- if I didn’t care I wouldn’t speak…— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016
@Dyslexicon@sanjayausta but how is disagreeing anti nationalist? Nobody is talking sedition, are they?— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016
@pliersnwires I am not supporting violent anything - left or right wing. Hate communists, hate white supremacy jerks etc.— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016
@abhitripathi15 that’s exactly why I was doing- speaking out against violence. Whether it’s from the left or right.— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016
@BisenSaurabh@Dyslexicon yes, same NYT that unfortunately quoted and supported our then president.— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) February 22, 2016