The incident occurred on March 7 as the train approached the Patel Nagar Metro Station (video below) |
March 9, 2016, NewsCrunch
A video of a group of girls uproariously drunk and creating a scene in Delhi Metro has gone viral.
They are noisy, abusive and seem to target a man, who is seen cowering at the door in the video. Other commuters, mostly men, are seen watching silently, though some of them have their mobiles out in record mode.
An unverifiable eye-witness account says the incident occurred on the late evening of March 7, the eve of the International Women’s Day, as the train approached the Patel Nagar Metro Station.
An argument over seats seems to have triggered the ruckus, the account suggests. The man, who suffered the drunken aggression, has not reportedly come forward to file a complaint.