The photo of them together sharing a moment of happiness went viral with Kanhaiya critics labelling the woman as a ‘professor’ (video below) |
March 9, 2016, NewsCrunch
Kanhaiya Kumar has released a video to refute the rumours that the woman in a viral photo is his teacher.
The photo shows Kanhaiya and a friend, a fellow JNU student, sitting close. The friend, who has not been identified, was reportedly just happy to see him coming back to campus from jail.
The photo of them together sharing a moment of happiness went viral with Kanhaiya critics labelling the woman as a ‘professor’. They called upon him to explain his cosiness with her.
A Hindi newspaper reportedly published the photo asking similar questions on Tuesday.
In the video, Kanhaiya says it is an attempt to malign women on the JNU campus, who have faced consistent attacks
“Is this a victory for Bharat mata or a defeat? You can decide for yourself."