Arun Raikwar says he was not proud of his magnetic ability and was even scared initially (video below) |
May 6, 2016, NewsCrunch
Arun Raikwar, a photographer by profession, recently discovered that he had a unique ability of making metal objects stick to him.
The 37-year-old man from Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh was working with nails and a hammer a few months ago.
That was when he noticed that a nail stuck to his body "like a magnet".
He quickly became a local celebrity with people flocking to see his feat. Media also picked up the story and profiled him extensively.
Arun Raikwar told India Today that he was not proud of his magnetic ability and was even scared initially, but has got used to it now.
The 37-year-old man from Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh was working with nails and a hammer a few months ago.
That was when he noticed that a nail stuck to his body "like a magnet".
He quickly became a local celebrity with people flocking to see his feat. Media also picked up the story and profiled him extensively.
Arun Raikwar told India Today that he was not proud of his magnetic ability and was even scared initially, but has got used to it now.
A video below demonstrates his ability to make metal objects stick to his chest, stomach and back.
The magazine also quoted a doctor saying human bodies have an inherent magnetic field which allows MRI and ECG scans to be taken.
The magnetic field Arun Raikwar's body has increased inexplicably and will go away with time, he said.
Arun Raikwar, who does not want to become a public spectacle, also wishes that he loses his magnetic capability quickly.