In the 40 minute interview, Shourie added that the coming days would be more turbulent as Modi would not change his style or personality. (Video link below) |
May 7, 2016, NewsCrunch
In an interview with Karan Thapar for India Today, former Union Minister Arun Shourie came down heavily on the two-year rule of the Modi government.
The Modi government had failed big on a range of issues from economy to foreign policy, he contended.
Shourie blamed Modi's style of governance and his personality for his lack of performance.
He picked a concept from political science- dark triad - which says dictatorial leaders like Modi come with three qualities.
The first is narcissism. These leaders are in love with themselves, which makes them insecure. Like Casanova, who had to assure himself every night about his power to conquer, these leaders need to be assured frequently.
To ensure that, they surround themselves with people who are inferior to them.
The second quality in Modi is Machiavellian, that is use everything at hand to promote himself. Modi used floods in Kashmir, earthquake in Nepal and even temple fire in Kerala to promote himself through disaster tourism.
The followup action has been weak - J&K CM Mufti Mohammed Sayeed passed away waiting for the Rs 1,750 crore package Modi promised, said Shoruie.
The third quality is remorselessness, that is leaders like Modi never feel sorry about the consequences of their actions. They believe that they work for a higher cause and dismiss any fallout as a collateral damage.
With these qualities, Modi had become a quarrelsome and polarising figure, said Shourie.
In the 40 minute interview, Shourie added that the coming days would be more turbulent as Modi would not change his style or personality.