The report on Modi’s tryst with selfies and Mark Zuckerberg had been filed by Reuters, but headlined aggressively by NBC |
May 21, 2016, NewsCrunch
An NBC report headlined - Apple Boss Tim Cook to Meet India's Selfie-Loving Prime Minister – has painted Modi in unflattering light.
The report notes Modi’s penchant for selfies and recalls the controversial picture he took after voting in the 2014 polls.
The report has been filed by Reuters, but NBCheadlined it aggressively.
The report also cautioned not to come in between Modi and media cameras.
It also recalled that during a trip to Silicon Valley Modi “had appeared to shove Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg aside so that the cameras could capture him fully.
Apple CEO Tim Cook met Modi and launched an updated version of Narendra Modi app. For the record, no selfie seems to have been taken on the occasion.