In TV serial, Bombay Hai Meri, Madhuri Dixit was paired with Benjamin Gilani, an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani. |
May 30, 2016, NewsCrunch
Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit's debut TV serial Bombay Hai Meri failed to get Doordarshan's nod in the early 1980s.
A few photos of the pilot episode shot for the soap, shared by its director Anil Tejani, have begun to circulate. They show Madhuri Dixit paired with Benjamin Gilani, also an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani.
In saree and bun, carrying the imprint of the spillover fashion of the '70s, Madhuri Dixit looks thin and resembles a very young Deepti Naval.
In the 1980s, before the arrival of cable, DD was the only way to make it big on the small screen and its rejection of Bombay Hai Meri would have meant a big set back for the aspiring actress.
Though Madhuri Dixit got a break in a Rajshri movie Abodh in 1984, her takeoff to Bollywood superstardom was anything but smooth. She delivered a string of flops till 1988, making many in the industry see her as jinxed.
Then Tezaab happened and there was no turning back.
Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit's debut TV serial Bombay Hai Meri failed to get Doordarshan's nod in the early 1980s.
A few photos of the pilot episode shot for the soap, shared by its director Anil Tejani, have begun to circulate. They show Madhuri Dixit paired with Benjamin Gilani, also an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani.
In saree and bun, carrying the imprint of the spillover fashion of the '70s, Madhuri Dixit looks thin and resembles a very young Deepti Naval.
In the 1980s, before the arrival of cable, DD was the only way to make it big on the small screen and its rejection of Bombay Hai Meri would have meant a big set back for the aspiring actress.
Though Madhuri Dixit got a break in a Rajshri movie Abodh in 1984, her takeoff to Bollywood superstardom was anything but smooth. She delivered a string of flops till 1988, making many in the industry see her as jinxed.
Then Tezaab happened and there was no turning back.
In TV serial, Bombay Hai Meri, Madhuri Dixit was paired with Benjamin Gilani, an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani. |
In TV serial, Bombay Hai Meri, Madhuri Dixit was paired with Benjamin Gilani, an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani. |
In TV serial, Bombay Hai Meri, Madhuri Dixit was paired with Benjamin Gilani, an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani. |
In TV serial, Bombay Hai Meri, Madhuri Dixit was paired with Benjamin Gilani, an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani. |
In TV serial, Bombay Hai Meri, Madhuri Dixit was paired with Benjamin Gilani, an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani. |
In TV serial, Bombay Hai Meri, Madhuri Dixit was paired with Benjamin Gilani, an FTII alumnus, like Anil Tejani. |