The Karnataka CM’s office insists that the crow incident had nothing to do with the changing of the vehicle (video below) |
June 13, 2016, NewsCrunch
A crow chick seems to have had an hand in prompting Karnataka CM Siddaramiah to change his official vehicle, a white Fortuner.
The issue that has been covered extensively by Kannada channels – including interviews with astrologers - went national on Monday with major TV channels picking it up.
The incident occurred a week ago and was caught on camera. A crow was spotted on the bonnet of the Siddaramiah’s car. A stray incident turned into a commotion as all attempts to shoo away the bird failed.
It stayed put braving shouts and threatening gestures from his staff. The dramatic scene which lasted for 20 minutes ended with the crow being physically removed from the vehicle.
The crow was a chick, yet to develop its wings. It had no choice but to stay put.
In Hindu belief, crow is an inauspicious messenger which hints that difficult days are ahead, and that may have troubled even Siddaramiah, who says he is an atheist.
A few days after the crow incident Siddaramiah’s official vehicle was replaced by another Fortuner of the same colour and model.
The CM’s office insists that the crow incident had nothing to do with the changing of the vehicle.
An India Today reporter was told by the CM’s office that the vehicle had run 60,000 km and had developed technical snags, and hence had to be replaced.
Did crow make atheist Siddaramiah change his car? Technical snag, says Karnataka chief minster’s office (video)
A crow that forced an "atheist" CM to change his car! #ATVideo— India Today (@IndiaToday) June 13, 2016