Last month Hindu Sena had held a hawan in Delhi to pray for the politician’s victory in the US elections (video below) |
June 14, 2016, NewsCrunch
A small group of Hindu Sena members celebrated US Republican candidate Donald Trump’s birthday at Jantar Mantar on Tuesday.
They cut a cake and fed it to a large poster which showed Donald Trump brandishing a gun. They blew balloons, played guitar and sung happy birthday to you to him.
A member of the Hindu Sena said Donald Trump was the saviour of humanity from anti-Islamic terror. The members prayed for his long life and hoped that he would get strength from the almighty to rid the world of Islamic terror.
Last month Hindu Sena had held a hawan at Jantar Mantar in
Hindu Sena members say BJP, which earlier used to speak against Islamic terror, has become a secular party after coming to power.
BJP ideologues dismiss Hindu Sena as fringe and its Trump worship as a publicity gimmick.
Video: Watch Hindu Sena celebrating Donald Trump’s 70th birthday at Jantar Mantar - saviour of humanity from anti-Islamic terror
WATCH: Hindu Sena celebrates Donald Trump's birthday in New Delhi— ANI (@ANI_news) June 14, 2016