Three months ago, Navpreet Banga dressed up as Kashibai, Priyanka Chopra’s role in Bajirao Mastani and released a few photos and a video. |
July 12, 2016, NewsCrunch
Vancouver-based Punjabi fitness instructor Navpreet Banga’s friends always told her that she looked a bit like Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra.
With a beakish nose, glistening complexion and slightly compressed cheeks, Navpreet Banga could pass off as Priyanka Chopra’s doppelganger.
She was happy with her chosen career in fitness, helping people shape their bodies, and had built a bustling social media presence in all channels with the user name BrownGirlLifts – YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Three months ago, she dressed up as Kashibai, Priyanka Chopra’s role in Bajirao Mastani and released a few photos and a video. That video went viral getting her over 75,000 views on different channels.
Someone from the media stumbled upon it and ran story. Others picked it up and this week, a little known Vancouver-based Punjabi fitness instructor Navpreet Banga became almost as famous as Priyanka Chopra on Internet.
What next? It could be Bollywood calling for Navpreet Banga.
Vancouver-based Punjabi fitness instructor Navpreet Banga’s friends always told her that she looked a bit like Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra.
With a beakish nose, glistening complexion and slightly compressed cheeks, Navpreet Banga could pass off as Priyanka Chopra’s doppelganger.
She was happy with her chosen career in fitness, helping people shape their bodies, and had built a bustling social media presence in all channels with the user name BrownGirlLifts – YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Three months ago, she dressed up as Kashibai, Priyanka Chopra’s role in Bajirao Mastani and released a few photos and a video. That video went viral getting her over 75,000 views on different channels.
Someone from the media stumbled upon it and ran story. Others picked it up and this week, a little known Vancouver-based Punjabi fitness instructor Navpreet Banga became almost as famous as Priyanka Chopra on Internet.
What next? It could be Bollywood calling for Navpreet Banga.