After the Hafiz Saeed interview went viral, Barkha Dutt was quick to respond (video below) |
July 25, 2016, NewsCrunch
Pakistan JUD head Hafiz Saeed’s praise to Indian journalist Barkha Dutt backfired after she took offence and called him a terrorist.
India considers Hafiz Saeed as a most wanted terrorist for his role in 26/11 Mumbai attacks. USA has also placed a $10 million bounty on his head.
In an interview withPakistan ’s Neo TV on Sunday, Hafiz Saeed said India blamed him for everything while he spoke only about Kashmir . He added that there were dissenting voices in India as well and mentioned Barkha Dutt by name, and said she spoke sense.
He also said Congress had told Modi government not to blamePakistan but to put its own house in order.
The right-wingers, who call themselves nationalists, inIndia accuse Barkha Dutt, known for her aggressive secular stance, for being soft on Pakistan .
But after the Hafiz Saeed interview went viral, Barkha Dutt was quick to respond. She tweeted calling Hafiz Saeed a coward and a terrorist and said he was using Indian journalists as bait.
“That you're free isPakistan 's shame,” she added.
Pakistan JUD head Hafiz Saeed’s praise to Indian journalist Barkha Dutt backfired after she took offence and called him a terrorist.
In an interview with
He also said Congress had told Modi government not to blame
The right-wingers, who call themselves nationalists, in
But after the Hafiz Saeed interview went viral, Barkha Dutt was quick to respond. She tweeted calling Hafiz Saeed a coward and a terrorist and said he was using Indian journalists as bait.
“That you're free is
Barkha Dutt is good, praises Hafiz Saeed in Pak TV interview (video)
Kejriwal Shud b Proud of @BDUTT& @INCIndia!— Mahaveer (@MahaveerM_) July 25, 2016
Same Time Shud Also b Shocked Y Hafiz Dint Take His
Barkha Dutt’s response to Hafiz Saeed’s praise
Repulsed by Hafiz Saeed trying propaganda points on my work. None of your business. You'e a terrorist. That you're free is Pakistan's shame— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) July 25, 2016
Hafiz Saeed-stop hiding behind Lashkar terrorists like a coward &using Indian journalists as bait. That you're not in jail is an abomination— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) July 25, 2016
Dear Trolls- your abuse, hashtags, coarseness & validation of a terrorist say a lot about you. You will not silence or scare me.Bring it on— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) July 25, 2016