Staff correspondent, September 26, 2015, NewsCrunch Hrithik Roshan is reportedly charging Rs 50 crore for his lead role in period film Mohenjo Daro, reports DNA. Quoting sources in the team, the Mumbai newspaper said, unlike other top stars Hrithik Roshan was not asking for any share in the revenue the movie would generate and has settled for a one time fee.
Hrithik Roshan's last movie Bang Bang made its money but was panned by critics. The actor, who chooses his projects carefully, is keen to make a good film, recreating the magic of Jodha Akbar.
Director Ashutosh Gowarikar, who has not had a comparable success since Jodha Akbar, is also keen to regain his touch. Hrithik Roshan's Mohenjo Daro is on floors and will hit theatres late next year. It would be a treat for history buffs and enact a love story set in the Indus Valley Civilisation.