The viral photo of Jharkhand Minister Neera Yadav paying homage to Abdul Kalam, almost a week in advance |
Staff correspondent, July 27, 2015, NewsCrunch
As Indians grieve the passing away of their most loved President A P J Abdul Kalam, many are angry at Jharkhand Minister Neera Yadav, who had paid a shraddanjali to him, a few days in advance.
The world has surely witnessed more stunning coincidences; but the fact that Neera Yadav had gone viral last week by prematurely paying homage to the former president is again emerging as a talking point.
At a function in Hazaribagh district, while inaugurating a Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir, Neera Yadav had put a tilak on a garlanded picture of Abdul Kalam. What she did amounted to paying homage to a dead person.
Neera Yadav was widely criticised her for not knowing that the former president was alive and in good health. As her idiotic homage photo went viral, Neera Yadav said she had only put tilak on the photo, which had been already garlanded.
But after Abdul Kalam actually passed way on Monday at Shillong, many were quick to recall Neera Yadav episode and comment upon it.
Total recall: Tweets on Jharkhand Minister Neera Yadav advance homage to Dr Abdul Kalam
I retract my previous status update. She is officially a futurist.— //infinitian// (@Codename_WiAx) July 27, 2015
Our Missile Man died...That idiot Jharkhand Education Minister...She is the main culprit...Hang...— MANISH SINGH CHAUHAN (@manishchauhanx) July 27, 2015
Is anyone interviewing Neera Yadav, that overzealous Jharkhand Education Minister?— Rajaneesh (@vilakudy) July 27, 2015
@AgentSaffron And also don't forget how progressive and accurate, the visionary education minister of Jharkhand, #DevilBJPNeera was !— Pramila (@fight4AAP) July 27, 2015
#RIPKalam this comes five days after Jharkhand Edu minister mistakes him for being dead. #TragicCoincidence— Ashni Dhaor (@DhaorAshni) July 27, 2015
Would that education minister of Jharkhand be feeling something today? #Kalam— Sambit Dash (@sambit_dash) July 27, 2015
#apjabdulkalam deepest condolence for him. jharkhand education minister ne thik nhi kiya...— pahaad khan (@pahaadkhan) July 27, 2015
The irony of Dr.Kalam being given a premature Shraddhanjali a few days back:— Nikhil कुलकर्णी (@VocabSahab) July 27, 2015
Was she acting prophetic by any chance?— Ashwin Murali (@ashwinmurali) July 27, 2015
A stupid minister in Jharkhand Govt called Neera Yadav paid homage to Dr Kalam about a week ago. Call it a...— Indian babu (@charm_mascot) July 27, 2015
That Jharkhand education minister! 😠😠😠— Namrata (@dixitnamrata) July 27, 2015
श्रद्धांजलि was given recently by education minister of jharkhand while he was alive but today we all are giving it.what a coincidence.— renuka (@Gupta53Re) July 27, 2015
Education minister of jharkhand, Neera yadav should get all the curses.— Sangam (@Sanguakshi) July 27, 2015
Jharkhand Education Minister #NeeraYadav must be speechless today #APJ Abdul Kalam.— kush katakia (@kushkatakia) July 27, 2015
Now don't hound the idiot Jharkhand minister, media guys.— iMac_too (@iMac_too) July 27, 2015
Strange! Just 6 days ago Jharkhand education minister had a major faux pass when she garlanded Kalam's picture. Today he's gone! #RIPKalam— Tavleen Singh Aroor (@Tavysingh) July 27, 2015
Prophetic Neera Yadav ?? Jharkhand Education Minister thinks APJ Abdul Kalam is dead!— kush katakia (@kushkatakia) July 27, 2015
Giving in to the thought might amount to crime. Yet this happened a week back. @APJAbdulKalam— Dhritiman Ray (@Dhritiman_Ray28) July 27, 2015