Salim Khan mentioned the Rs 20-25 crore number offhand to emphasise that Salman Khan had not got away easily. |
The acquittal of Salman Khan in the 2002 hit and run case has been criticised as proof that justice can be bought in India.
So, how much did he spend on his legal defence? His father Salim Khan says Rs 20 to 25 crore.
The money has been spent over 13 years on the most expensive lawyers of the country. Harish Salve, the legal star, who got him bail after conviction at Mumbai lower court is known to charge up to Rs 30 lakh a hearing.
Salim Khan mentioned the Rs 20-25 crore number offhand to emphasise that Salman Khan had not got away easily.
He told PTI that Salman Khan has been in jail for a few days, paid a hefty legal fee and undergone a lot of tension, along with the family.