A collection of some of the frequently cited quotes of Bapuji. |
January 30, 2106, NewsCrunch
In the increasingly polarised debates Indians are slipping into, Mahatma Gandhi is conspicuously absent.
Gandhi, rightfully has his share of detractors; but in the present situation, there is more in his legacy to heal than to divide.
In leading his people to freedom, he made his own path, learnt his own lessons and made an effort to teach them to others.
Indians may have no use for the Father of their Nation, but in the global mind he continues to be a moving spiritual force.
Here is a collection of some of the frequently cited quotes of the great man.
— Handojo Wu (@HandojoWu) January 4, 2016
— Sister (@TaWandTalk) January 1, 2016
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow...”#MahatmaGandhi#Learn#Quotes#Life#Knowledgehttps://t.co/jaGKzR7caBpic.twitter.com/UylcS88c9e— Quotographed (@quotographed) December 31, 2015
— Sanjeev Srivastava (@sanjeev1234) December 24, 2015
... Your values become your destiny. #MahatmaGandhipic.twitter.com/4Wrsjt6C5k— Gerd Kopp (@Geko1967) January 3, 2016
iMahatmaGandhi: #quotes#satisfaction#effort#victory#love#music#respect#men#mahatmagandhi#mahatma#gandhipic.twitter.com/lVVeoH9Djz— kylizzlemynizzl️ (@itskawdashians) January 9, 2016
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. #mahatmagandhi#Forgivenesspic.twitter.com/KswWilP87m— Nickson Johannes (@johnicky08) January 11, 2016
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. #MahatmaGandhi#OnlyLiveOncepic.twitter.com/YKNvvdaybQ— Todd and Leah Rae (@ToddAndLeahRae) January 11, 2016
iMahatmaGandhi: #Truth#innerpeace#haveaheart#love#synchronistic#cosmic#cosmos#existence#mahatmagandhi#lov… pic.twitter.com/FQxYV7TrmI— kylizzlemynizzl️ (@itskawdashians) January 11, 2016
Don't let fear of failure hold you back! 💪🏽#stepoutinfaith#GoGetIt#ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha#quote#MahatmaGandhipic.twitter.com/VoxjcCzKiG— Adi T. (@avvtui) January 10, 2016
#MahatmaGandhi, the Father of our #Nation got us #Independence through this one #thought! #QuoteOfTheDaypic.twitter.com/86cndq4oTs— Quest Group (@QuestMohali) January 8, 2016
Those Who Know How To Think Need No Teachers.
-Mahatma Gandhi#MahatmaGandhi#teacher#teacherQuotes#KingsmanMoti… pic.twitter.com/YJGyGYK5L7— Kingsman Motivation (@kingsmanmotiv) December 23, 2015
Adapting #mahatmagandhi teachings today @oDTransform@demoAbierta@openDemocracyhttps://t.co/c0Mx7C4XQupic.twitter.com/8wJMp8XAP8— Democracia Abierta (@demoAbierta) December 21, 2015
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."#MahatmaGandhi#stopkillingouranimalspic.twitter.com/SPr81Htxt8— Safari With Us (@safariwithus) December 22, 2015
They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them. #MahatmaGandhipic.twitter.com/OIw2WeP8iw— Gerd Kopp (@Geko1967) December 21, 2015
👣 ☝ #mahatmagandhi #words#of#the#day #gününsözü#gandhi #kimsenin#düşüncelerimden#kirli#ayaklarıyla#geçmesine#izin#… pic.twitter.com/WIIdIsLUqh— Mahatma Gandhi (@iMahatmaGandhi) December 18, 2015
— LyonStrategicConsult (@bklyon) December 10, 2015
Yatzer: #Yatzerquoteoftheday"There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” #MahatmaGandhipic.twitter.com/xiKvLIU3Go— Ali Ebrahimzadeh (@ASarcasticHorse) December 9, 2015
The future depends on what we do in the present!!! #MahatmaGandhi
What will you do with today? via @ChangeAgentSApic.twitter.com/qvIrnP0bsn— Rich Simmonds (@RichSimmondsZA) December 4, 2015
#quoteoftheday#quote#mahatmagandhi#gandhi#poetry#wordsofwisdom#todaywasagoodday#books#textpost#writersofin… pic.twitter.com/E3PILNj2Ji— Mahatma Gandhi (@iMahatmaGandhi) November 30, 2015
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
-- Mahatma Gandhi#MahatmaGandhi @ https://t.co/G3qSk1HNBApic.twitter.com/Du7Krulory— #Celebrities Galore (@CelebGalore) November 27, 2015
A quote by #MahatmaGandhipic.twitter.com/1CDMIAWEwx— Amit Phadke (@amithphadke) December 8, 2015