Not fair: Tina Dabi becomes target of social media mischief |
May 17, 2016, NewsCrunch
Despite IAS topper Tina Dabi's emphatic denial, controversial statements opposing reservation and falsely attributed to her continue to be shared on social media.
After Tina Dabi became the first dalit girl to top IAS exam a fake viral post went viral.
In the comments falsely attributed to her, Tina Dabi says reservation was meant to be a temporary measure and was never supported by Baba Saheb Ambedkar.
She is also made to say that she should not be compelled to have Baba Saheb as her idol just because she is a dalit. She finds Modi inspiring, Tina Dabi quoted saying, in the fake post.
Fake post attributing anti-reservation comments to Tina Dabi |
On Monday, Tina Dabi refuted the fake comments attributed to her describing them as obnoxious and ridiculous, in her Facebook page. She slammed the people behind these posts as anti social.
In an interview with he Indian Express, she said the posts were creepy and feared that they may do something worse in future.