The video shows an old woman carrying a bag and approaching Shyam Sunder Chaubey for help as she could not climb the stairs of a railway bridge. |
May 21, 2016, NewsCrunch
A police constable fromUjjain , MP, went viral after a video showing carrying an old woman in is arms surfaced.
Constable 383 Shyam Sunder Chaubey had been deputed at the railway station inUjjain to help pilgrims visiting Simhasth Kumbh.
The video shows an old woman carrying a bag and approaching him for help as she could not climb the stairs of a railway bridge.
A police constable from
Constable 383 Shyam Sunder Chaubey had been deputed at the railway station in
The video shows an old woman carrying a bag and approaching him for help as she could not climb the stairs of a railway bridge.
Without a word, Shyam Sunder Chaubey lifts her in is arms and marches up the stairs.
The video posted by Police Manch Patrika on Facebook on Wednesday has fetched over 3.3 million views. The Patrika also provided his name and other details after its followers asked for it.
Shyam Sunder Chaubey is part of the Indore-based Government Railway Police force.
The video posted by Police Manch Patrika on Facebook on Wednesday has fetched over 3.3 million views. The Patrika also provided his name and other details after its followers asked for it.
Shyam Sunder Chaubey is part of the Indore-based Government Railway Police force.