After photos showing an injured Gokal Das went viral, the local SP Masood Bangash ordered the SHO of Jawar police station. to arrest Ali Hassan Haidrani and his brother Mir Hassan. |
June 12, 2016, NewsCrunch
A 80-year-old Hindu senior citizen, Gokal Das, was beaten up in Pakistan by an off duty policeman for eating during the fasting hours of Ramzan.
The incident initially reported by the local media triggered widespread outrage prompting senior officials to arrest the erring cop Ali Hassan Haidrani and his brother Mir Hassan, who also took part in the assault.
Gokal Das, a resident of Hayat Pitafi, Ghotki district, was having Biryani at a charity event on Friday afternoon when the brothers chanced upon him.
After photos showing an injured Gokal Das went viral, local SP Masood Bangash ordered the SHO of Jawar police station. to arrest Ali Hassan Haidrani and his brother Mir Hassan. |
Haidrani was not on duty at the time of the incident.
After photos showing an injured Gokal Das went viral, local SP Masood Bangash ordered the SHO of Jawar police station to arrest Ali Hassan Haidrani and his brother Mir Hassan. They have been booked under Sections 337, 504 and 506/2 of Pakistan Penal Code for assaulting the senior citizen.
Angry tweets: Support in Pakistan for Gokal Das, 80, who was beaten up by off-duty police man for eating during Ramzan
@sarkar_swati Please #donate to this fund and RT. #GokalDas, police brutality victim … via @gofundme— Asim Yousafzai, Ph.D (@asimusafzai) June 12, 2016
These some so-called humans are a Shame to humanity.If you even did not respect Ramadan then there isn't anything left!😞😔#GokalDas— seema ajaz (@ajaz_seema) June 11, 2016
The policeman who beat up an elderly Hindu citizen Gokal Das in Ghotki Sindh has been arrested.— Annie (@Bookworm099) June 11, 2016
It is not injury on the hand of #GokalDas Baba indeed it is an injury on the hand of poor governance:— Veengas (@VeengasJ) June 11, 2016
Locking him up for time being don't solves anything will he get convection? It's easy game now days to blindfold people #GokalDas— PANAMA K HUNGAM (@Lanshaw1965) June 11, 2016
Welldone Pride of Kohat SSP Maqsood Bangash for arresting culprits who beat Chacha #GokalDas.— Love Pakistan (@PAKISTANI_313) June 11, 2016
#Sindh is a land of Sufi/Bhagtism but incident like #GokalDas Baba, is a shocking news and giving message that extremists are coming. 1/2— Veengas (@VeengasJ) June 11, 2016
Proud of my country where a police officer has been put behind the bars by another office for raising hand on a Hindu minority. #GokalDas— Mustafa Zahid (@Mustafology) June 11, 2016
While we all rant over #GokalDas beating, where are our representatives on this? Any reaction? All talk and in some issues, not even talk??😡— F Shirin MD (@FShirin) June 11, 2016
This shameful incident reminds me of @AkyolinEnglish's excellent piece: The Right Way to Observe Ramadan— Hafsa Khawaja (@Hafsa_Khawaja) June 11, 2016
How weak, how pathetic is your "faith" to be offended and threatened by an old man? #GokalDas— Hafsa Khawaja (@Hafsa_Khawaja) June 11, 2016