Brajraj Kshatriya Birbar Champuti Singh Mohapatra Pic courtesy Daily Telegraph |
December 6, 2015, NewsCrunch
With the passing away of the former Maharaja of Tigiria, Orissa, in abject poverty, history has turned a page.
Brajraj Kshatriya Birbar Champuti Singh Mohapatra was the last surviving royal, who signed the Instrument of Accession to merge his kingdom with the newly independent India.
Champuti Singh, 97, died in his mud hut in Tigiria, 87 kms from Bhubaneshwar. After losing his wealth, the Maharaja survived on the hospitality of his villagers, whose affection he continued to command.
In his heyday, Chamupati Singh was a playboy prince who led an envious life in India’s royal party circuit.
He had a fleet of 25 vintage luxury cars and lived in a palace. He married a princess and was famous as a hunter-prince, who had shot 13 tigers and 28 leopards.
Chamupati Singh eldest son Bikram Pratap, 70, has been coronated as the next king of Tigiria.