Vitality Air It sent 500 canisters to China in November, which were sold out within two weeks. Twitter pic |
December 18, 2015, NewsCrunch
Vitality Air, a Canadian company, has begun to sell fresh bottled air to Chinese customers, who are struggling to cope with choking pollution.
The company says it bottles fresh air at theRocky Mountain town of Banff .
It sent 500 canisters toChina in November, which were sold out within two weeks, reports The Daily Telegraph.
Vitality Air, a Canadian company, has begun to sell fresh bottled air to Chinese customers, who are struggling to cope with choking pollution.
The company says it bottles fresh air at the
It sent 500 canisters to
It is planning to double its supply and begun to take pre orders.
It also sells masks, which can be used to inhale fresh air, from canisters.
The air sells for $14 to $20, depending on the size of the canister and there is no information on how long it will last.
Last week, Beijing issued its first ever red alert because of poor air quality, closing schools and restricting traffic.
Vitality Air co-founder Moses Lam it’s time consuming to bottle air as every one of these canister is hand bottled.
“We're dealing with fresh air, we want it to be fresh and we don't want to run it through machines which are oiled and greased," he says.
Smog over China as seen from space - Nasa pic |